Chapter 1

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WAKE UP! Samantha yells as she tosses my shorts onto the bed. It's half past seven–and I've only got thirty minutes to get to work. If you want a ride, and I know that you do, you need to get up! Okay–okay. I responded as I sat on the edge of the bed and slipped on my gym shoes. Damn! This girl is fucking rough in the morning, but she's right.  I am taking my sweet time and really, I shouldn't drag because I have to be at work this morning as well. I'm a fool for opening my mouth and volunteering to come in on my day off. Fucking hell! Me and my need to be helpful, and an outstanding employee, has me on schedule a bit more than I want to be.

Jesus christ! My head is pounding and Samantha's squealing is making it worse. How much did I drink last night anyway? Obviously it was too much if I can't remember. I have never woken up with such a pulsating headache. The sensation combined with burning eyes, makes me want to crawl back into bed, and bring the covers up over my head. I'm beyond irritated at the moment, because I fell asleep with my damn contacts on, and I'm positive that I will pay for that decision all fucking day.

I gently rub both eyes and lean forward to give my temples a quick massage, as I silently curse myself out for consuming so much alcohol. A weekend habit that I need to control, but never managed to do so. I'm still in a semi sleepy state, but the part of my brain that's fully alert is wondering what the hell I did last night. I mean what the fuck! I'm in Samantha's bedroom and on her fucking bed. Wearing the same shorts I had on yesterday. Only now, they are extremely wrinkled and the right side is soiled with dirt. I'm so panicked and confused. What happened last night?

Samantha might not notice, because of the calm demeanor I'm displaying, but I'm completely freaking the hell out. And the open condom wrapper on the floor only adds to my anxiety. Sure...I've woken up on someone else's bed before, but I've never spent the night with a friend. Well... not like this.

I've known Sam for five years, and in all that time, I have never desired or planned to hook up with her. I mean it's Sam! My close and dear friend. My buddy! Suddenly, I'm feeling like an asshole, and I wonder what the hell was going through my mind, the moment I decided that it was okay to sleep with her. Is she freaking out about this as much as I am? I mean she's a frantic mess at the moment, but something tells me it has nothing to do with the events of last night.

LUCAS! Samantha yells again. This time she's standing by the doorway and annoyance is taking over her face. LET'S GO! She yells in frustration. I'M COMING! I yelled back. Finally standing from the bed and walking towards her. OK..... So I won't deny that Samantha is a looker, but she's like one of the guys. She's a part of our clique and nothing else. No one I've ever desired sexually that's for sure. But of Course—I overlooked all of this last night, and laid with her anyway.

I can be so stupid sometimes. And if  I'm being completely honest, these are the wild choices I'm most known for. I go to parties, drink way too much, start an innocent game of flirting with some random chick, and BAM! Before the night is over, I'm taking that girl home. The only fact that makes this time different from other times, is that it's Sam. I hope the stupid decision to lay in bed with her does not  jeopardize our friendship. I don't think I would be okay if Sam and I were no longer friends.

As we walk out the door in complete silence, I try to remember any details about last night. I just have to make sense of it all, but only small details come to mind. C'mon Lucas—think!

I do remember that Steve came in with a couple of joints. Also, we all hung out for a pretty long time last night. Longer than usual, which meant that more consumption of alcohol had taken place. Thinking back, I recall that most of the night was spent getting into deep conversations about life and past lovers with Peter and Sam. But, as soon as the clock struck twelve, Peter took off like a bolt of lightning. Like fucking Cinderella.  Straight through the front doors to hook up with his girl. He never  mentioned having to leave. We'll... not  until that very moment, that is.

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