Chapter 6

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I opened my emails this morning and noticed that Larry had sent me some important information regarding the job in New York. I hadn't expected my start date to be December fifteen, but It's actually perfect. Because lord knows that I  could use some more time to organize my move, and I'm still  trying to bulk up my savings before I leave. By then, I'm sure that I will reach my goal of saving up six months worth of my rental amount.

I'm realizing that moving to another city is not an easy task, and deciding what's coming with me is even harder. Look at this mess! My room looks as if a freaking hurricane bursted through it, and destroyed everything in its wake. I pray that my mother doesn't decide to come barging in, because she will surely freak out over the mess I've created. She does that sometimes–barges in when she believes that I'm up here doing something I'm not supposed to be doing. You think she would have given that up the moment I turned twenty one, but no chance of that stopping any time soon. I know her too well.

Fucking hell! How and when did I become the owner of so much shit? Turns out, this move revealed something about me that I never knew to be true. I'm a fucking hoarder! But–in all fairness, ninety percent of the items I'm coming across are really important to me, and I can see why I kept them all of these years. My first baseball uniform, Dads old rock T-shirts, video games which I was proud to own because I had bought them with my own money, and boxes of pictures of my old friends. The list goes on and on. Perhaps Mom wouldn't mind storing a couple of items for me in the attic. Because I don't think I can get rid of any of it  just yet. As that thought enters my mind, I notice the collage of pictures on my mirror that I hadn't taken down. Those I can easily get rid of because they represent someone I no longer want to be.

I've been packing all morning and afternoon, and as expected, I have finally run out of boxes. Maybe that's my cue to stop for the day, or maybe I should deal with the mess I've created and finish what I started. Fuck that! I think I'm better off calling it quits. Because I've run out of tolerance for going through my shit, and I'm starting to develop a bit of cabin fever. Not surprising since I've been up here for six hours without a single break. Well except for the occasional bathroom break.

I definitely deserve the rest of the night off and a drink. The only problem is, there's nothing going on this weekend, so I'm not sure of where I would even go.

For the first time in a couple of weeks, there are absolutely no parties to attend, and all of my brothers are off with their girlfriends. Also, there's no chance of Peter and I hanging out tonight, because the two of us, including Sam, hung out last weekend and he mentioned having to attend his girl's family barbeque today. If I remember correctly, I believe it was an engagement party. Sam isn't around either, because she's in Wisconsin meeting her boyfriend's parents. Peter and I finally met her new guy last week, and he seems to be a pretty awesome dude. A pre-med student who has managed to truly sweep her off of  her feet. Good for her. I was wondering when she was going to find a man worthy of her time.

Mom! I'm stepping out for some more boxes. Do you need anything? Perhaps some ice cream? I shout out from my bedroom window.  My mother, who was watering the lawn, turned around with a big smile. She's been in such a good mood lately and that makes me feel so happy. No thank you. She answered. Christians girlfriend brought me a piece of Eli's cheesecake earlier today, so I've had my sweets for the night. She replied.

A few months ago, I found myself worrying a lot about my mother, especially after my phone interview with Larry. The fact that I was moving to another city and leaving my mom, really hit me as soon as I pressed the end call button. I didn't expect to feel so bothered about leaving her,  but I was. Sure... two of my brothers still live at home, but I'm the one who she depends on the most, and so naturally, I'm feeling bad about leaving her. I'm probably worried for nothing, and I'm almost positive that Chris will step up. It does help to know that my mom has taken a liking to his girlfriend. She's a sweet family orientated type of girl who LOVES to cook, and I  think it's safe to say that Olga fits right in.

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