Chapter 2

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Lucas– please report to my office. The intercom sounds off with a static clamor, followed by an unbearable screeching sound at the end. Fucking intercom system has been broken for months, and  Mr Thompson refuses to address the matter. He has always been a cheap motherfucker, and it's the reason behind the fact that his office looks like it hasn't been updated since nineteen seventy six.

Oh oh! What the fuck did you do? Peter asks. As he tosses a dish towel my way. Nothing! I quickly responded. I balled up the towel and threw it back his way, and he chuckled over my frustration. Keep washing the dishes and mind your own business! I yelled as I headed towards the elevators. Because we're constantly cursing at each other, anyone  who witnesses our interactions would be convinced that Peter and I weren't friends, but that's the furthest from the truth. Peter and I are best friends, and this is what we do. We annoy each other on purpose, and bust each other's balls whenever we find an opportunity. Besides my brother Christian, there's no one else I trust more than I do him.

I'm a bit  nervous and feeling uneasy as I press down on the elevator button, because I'm confused as to why my boss is calling me up to his office. I do recall a brief mention last week of some possible changes around here, but there hasn't been talk of any job cuts. Anyway... I don't think I need to fear losing my job. I'm the only one in the kitchen who takes their job seriously, and Mr Thompson knows it.

I stand for a brief moment in front of Mr Thompson's door, taking a few deep breaths before proceeding to knock. Come in. I hear him instruct from the other side. You wanted to see me boss? Ah... Lucas... Yes. Please, take a seat. As I pull out the chair and brace for his words, I hear him chuckle. At ease boy. I can see the sweat forming around your hairline. There's no need to be so nervous, this will be a good meeting. Oh-- Okay. I said. Followed by a deep sigh.

I'm feeling somewhat better, but I'm still confused as to why I'm here. The annual reports have been submitted, and it's been noted that you are the most reliable employee we have. Your work ethic is impeccable, and you haven't taken a day off in eleven months. That being said, we have a job opening in management that I would like you to consider. That's odd, I haven't seen any new job postings up on the bulletin board. Who's leaving? I ask. Very curious. Greta. He answers as he pulls out a stack of paperwork from his desk drawer. Adding. She's been here for forty five years now, but she's worked since the age of sixteen, and she's ready to retire.

I'm slightly saddened to hear about Greta's departure. Because she is the "mom" of this place, and is always the sweetest to anyone she encounters. Still, I'm happy for her and about what this could mean for the rest of her life. She can finally move to Texas and be with her grandchildren like she's always wanted.

I can't deny that a part of me feels thrilled about the possible promotion. But, is it fair to accept? I don't think it is. Especially since I'm  planning a move to New York soon. You can take a couple of weeks to decide, Lucas. Greta won't be leaving for another three weeks. Mr Thompson says. Breaking me away from my deep thoughts.

Three  months ago, I would have jumped at the chance to make more money. I would have said yes on the spot. But I was growing tired of this dead end job, and I knew that a change was needed. So...when Dave approached me with a job opportunity to work for the rail system in the big apple, I was all in. A great excuse to leave the same ole routine that for several reasons, I wasn't able to get away from.

Working in the kitchen at the local hospital was never part of my plan, but when Peter handed me the extra job application he had stored in his dresser drawer, I thought...why not? I had just turned eighteen, and the only one out of my friends and siblings without an actual job. Sure...I made money, little side gigs here and there, but I knew I needed something steady. So I filled in the application and I've been here ever since.

My job isn't the worst in the world, and my tasks are fairly easy, but this job wasn't meant to be long term, and I know a change is needed now. I'm grateful and excited about the new opportunity that has fallen on my lap. Especially since it involves a long time passion of mine. And  I have always been intrigued by trains, ever since I was seven. Of course my younger self  wanted to drive them, but the older I got, my interests shifted. Now, I only dream of working on them.

Have I lost you boy? Mr Thompson leans forward and asks. You haven't said a damn word in the past minute, and I can't be wasting my time. I've got deadlines and payroll to approve. I'm sorry Mr Thompson. I do appreciate the recognition and the opportunity for advancement, but I plan to leave at the end of the year. So accepting the position wouldn't be fair. Perhaps you should fill the job with someone who can commit to being here long term.

Well hell...were you ever planning on saying something? He asks with a cross of the arms. I haven't known for a long time, sir. My brother secured the job for me just a couple of days ago. I did plan on letting you know soon, Mr Thompson. I assured him. How about this, Lucas. Accept the position effective immediately, for the remainder of time that you're here. Help us get everything straightened out down there. In the meantime, I'll have Cathleen interview a few applicants, and I'm sure we'll find a replacement in no time.

Lucas– I could really use someone who takes their job seriously at the moment, and  there's no way that I can consider any of the clowns downstairs. Okay. I finally replied. This time without hesitation. A six month position in an office with a three dollar raise? It's a no-brainer.

As I make my way back to the service elevators, I hear Peter yell out my name. LUCAS! Did you get in trouble? What in the fuck would I get in trouble for? I yelled back. I don't know! Why else would Mr Thompson call you into his office?

I know Peter, and It's driving him crazy not knowing the real reason why I was called upstairs. He offered me a manager's position. I finally explained. What?  I didn't know there was an opening for that position. Peter says in confusion. There wasn't...well not yet. So are you going for it? I did. I was a bit hesitant about it at first, but I accepted the position. Did you hesitate because of your move to New York? Peter asked with a straight face.

I know that Peter hasn't been coping well with the thought of me leaving, and when the subject gets brought up, he usually goes from playful to serious.

Mr Thompson is okay with me filling the position for a short time. I explained. As I looked over my job tasks for the day. Damn Lucas, you're really leaving huh? Yup! There's nothing for me here, Peter. I do the same shit every week and I've grown extremely tired of it. Besides, I don't want to work here forever. I confess as I put my apron back on. Anyway... you should consider putting in for the position once I leave. Fuck no! I don't want the extra responsibilities, and I'm fine where I am.  I shake my head and walk towards the food trays, waving my hand in the air as I remind my best friend that eventually, we all have to move up or move on.

It's seven pm, and my shift is finally over. I  feel so fucking exhausted, and I could barely keep my eyes opened.  Serves me right for partying last night way too hard, and then hooking up with Sam. A part of me feels like venting to Peter about my time spent with our friend, but nothing good can come from that. I can hear him now. Bitching me out for letting that happen. Especially when we both know that Sam's been in a vulnerable state lately. I'm positive that what happened last night might be something I will never ever understand.

Are you going to Jason's party tonight? Peter asks as he tries to catch up with me in the parking lot. Apparently it was a last minute thing. Yeah, I got the message a couple of hours ago. Just before entering Mr Thompson's office.  I'll be there. I answered. Cool... let me know how it turns out. Peter says as he digs in his backpack for his car keys. Wait! You're not going? Can't. The ole ball and chain wants to go on a romantic date tonight. So I guess I'm sitting this one out. The ole ball and chain, huh? Stop being an ass Peter. That girl doesn't hover over you like that. I remind my friend with a shove of the shoulders. Maybe not, but she can be demanding when she wants to be. He replies with a low chuckle. Anyway, I'll call you tomorrow. I'm gonna want a play by play of whatever happens tonight. Of course.  I yell as I wave goodbye, and continue to make my way home.

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