Scrapes and Ice Cream

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It's a beautiful sunny day, but the feelings stirring up inside of me aren't as cheerful as the day appears. I stand on the front lawn with my phone in hand, sunglasses over my eyes and skin exposed to the rays of the sun, Nanami stands on the path with our daughter, who's excitedly sat on her new pink bike we bought her a month ago. The pair look more than happy, both animatedly talking as Nanami gives her the usual run down about safety and watching out for people and cars. We live in a nice suburban area and it's a Sunday, so thankfully there's no rush or business that we need to worry about, only the gentle hum of lawnmowers and the distant sounds of other kids playing in paddling pools.

"Mom, look!" D/N calls out to me, stirring me out of my thoughts. I look over at her to see Nanami taking off her training wheels, she's always been a quick learner, but this just makes my nerves fray even further. I grin at her, clapping my hands to show pride and equal excitement, but one shared look with my husband and he knows how worried I am. He quickly jogs over to me, pulling me in for a quick kiss as he murmurs in my ear.

"Don't worry, she's going to be fine, besides, she's got to learn at some point."

I sigh, nodding and knowing Nanami's right. "Okay, just please be careful with her." I whisper. Nanami nods, face dropping to seriousness for a second until our daughter calls for him to hurry up. I know Nanami's more straightforward and confident than I am, but I also know he'd rather break a limb than see our daughter get a papercut, I can trust him with this particular skill. I sit on the grass cross legged, cheering D/N on as Nanami checks her helmet then begins to push her forwards gently. The little girl isn't afraid at all, if anything she grips the handlebars tighter as if wanting to speed up. I grab my phone, snapping a few videos for future memories as Nanami chuckles and cheers with our giggling girl. She's wobbly, but manages to get the hang of peddling pretty quick.

Nanami releases his grip on the bike as she comes back up the path, and she does it all by herself! "Yes! You're doing it!" Nanami calls out, grinning at me for a second before turning his eyes back to our kid. She laughs, keeping the bike balanced and steady for all of ten seconds before it wobbles and tips to the side. My heart drops as she falls off and lands on the path, she sits up as Nanami and I both run to her, kneeling down as she opens her mouth and begins to wail. I scoop her up, hugging her as Nanami rubs her back, soothing her as we share a worried look.

"It's alright, it wasn't a big fall. Are you hurt anywhere?" I ask, smoothing her hair back as she nods and points to her knee. There's a small cut there- (barely a scrape), but thankfully I came prepared, so I pull out a band aid from my pocket and put it over the wound, kissing it better as her cries turn to sniffles.

"I hate it. I don't want to ever do it again." She frustratedly frowns, glaring at the poor pink bike as if it's offended her. Nanami tuts until I throw him a pointed look, soon shutting him up. We help D/N stand as she turns to Nanami who's still crouched down at her height. Carefully he takes her hands, wiping away small stones and dirt as she waits for him to speak.

"Were you scared when you fell?" Nanami softly asks. D/N nods, wiping her eyes as he hums. "I get scared sometimes too, especially at work when I have to do things I'm unsure about. Sometimes it takes a little scrape and a few attempts before you can learn and become great at something, but it takes determination and you've got to be brave. Do you think you can do that?" He smiles, arching a brow at her. She's hesitant, so ever the more lenient parent Nanami pulls out the big card. "What if you try again a few more times and when the ice cream truck comes around we'll get you the biggest one they have, for doing so well."

D/N soon perks up, nodding with a grin as Nanami taps her helmet, grinning as she picks up the bike and gets back into position. I smile, holding a hand to my chest as I wait for more scrapes to inevitably happen, however I'm wrong. Nanami supports her as they go back to square one, and for the next twenty minutes they both take it easy before she once again reaches the stage of doing it on her own. Nanami and I stay quiet as to not put her off, and it works. I film her riding her bike for the first time on her own, mastering it like a queen as she keeps her head high and giggles as she swerves and peddles. Finally Nanami cheers, standing in front of the bike since she hasn't mastered breaking yet. My brave little girl leaps off of the bike, rushing to me and hugging my legs before Nanami scoops her up, swinging her around as I hold my breath and curse him for scaring me.

"I knew you could do it, you're amazing!" Nanami praises as he sets her on his shoulders. Just in time the ice cream truck's creepy lullaby music comes from down the street, with D/N pointing and reminding us of our promise. With a laugh and agreements we all grab some ice cream and settle on the grass, eating together as a family with Nanami's arm wrapped around my shoulders.

"Can I ride my bike again soon?" D/N asks as ice cream coats her hands and face. Nanami chuckles, nodding as I hold back a laugh.

"She's definetly got your grit." I tease, but Nanami kisses my head as he waves it off and replies.

"No my love, that's her mother's strength shining through."

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