Friendly Flirting

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I sit under an oak tree as the sun shines down on me, a textbook rests in my lap as I tilt my head back, eyes closing as I soak in the summer atmosphere and the moment of calm that seems to wash over Jujutsu High. In the distance I hear the shouts of students training and honing their skills, teachers chat as they pass, but it's the rowdy group that stirs me out of my peace. I crack one eye open, noticing Nanami Kento and his group of friends sauntering across the lawn, Gojo and Suguru are deep in conversation, both laughing to each other whilst Shoko and Haibara seem to be poking at each other. Lingering to the side is Nanami, a book tucked under his arm as he walks alongside his friends, mouth unmoving but eyes and ears focused on their speech. I feel my lips lift at the sight, until I remember that I'm being stalkerish. 

The group perch on the grass, with Gojo and Surguru lounging on the grass like cats stretching in the sun. Nanami sits cross legged near them, head tilting back as the rays of sunlight flicker in his golden hair. My breath catches as my lips part, despite him not being as confident or funny as Gojo, there's something about his calm yet kind exterior that draws me in. I'm not like his friends though, I've had a hard time with studying and learning all there is to curses, I guess that's why I'm stuck a year behind everyone else. I peel my eyes away from the entertainment and immerse myself back into my studies, but soon enough I feel eyes on me. I look up, straight away finding myself staring back at Nanami, who's watching me with a longing I've never noticed before, his brown eyes widen a fraction before he turns his head away, a faint flush rising on his cheeks at the act of being caught. My heart races as I do the same, but every so often I can't resist to divert my eyes up again, only to find he's still stealing glimpses of me. 

Nanami's POV: 

"You're down bad, huh?" Gojo teases, sitting up and brushing off the grass Suguru was tossing onto him- or at least trying to, since Gojo's mastered infinity. I contain my retort, choosing to open and focus on my book instead, but instead of reading the words I find myself watching Y/N. She looks ethereal in this light, and the summer only makes her smile even wider, she's by far the most stunning aspect of this season, even more so when she stretches her legs out, a small, cute yawn escapes her lips as she reads. "Oh boy." Gojo huffs a laugh, clapping me on the shoulder. I shoot him a scowl. 

"Mind your own business." 

"Hey! Don't be like that, why don't you just march on over there and tell her how you feel. I'm pretty sure everyone knows it, apart from her." Gojo says, wiggling his eyebrows as his sunglasses slip down his nose. He pushes them back up, letting out an extravagant sigh. When I stay still and give no signs of moving Gojo stands up, casting a shadow over me as I try to ignore him. "I've got to do everything around here." 

I watch as he grins then begins sauntering off towards Y/N, my eyes widen as I tense up, my shoulders bunch as he gets closer and closer. Suguru chuckles as Shoko gives me a knowing look. "You better go get your girl, Nanami." Haibara teases, I stifle a sigh, waiting to see how this unfolds first. 


I look up to see Satoru Gojo standing in front of me, a cheesy grin plastered on his face as he bends at the waist and waves a hand. "Hey there," he charmingly says, "Whatcha up to?" 

I arch my brow, but smile back regardless before gesturing to my textbook. "Just working my way up to Grade One sorcerer. It's taking longer than expected though." I laugh, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear as Gojo nods and sits down on the grass, he plucks up a daisy and leans forward, setting it in my hair as I blush. "What are you doing?" I mumble, pulling away as his eyes dart over his shoulder to where Nanami looks tense. 

"Just enjoying the day and doing a good deed." He shrugs up one shoulder, stretching his long legs as I stare. From across the lawn I watch as Nanami snaps his book closed then sets it on the grass before getting up and awkwardly walking over to us. Heat rises within my cheeks as my palms grow slick, Gojo doesn't even turn when Nanami stands over him, arms crossing over his chest. 

"Everyone's going into town for lunch." Nanami says, leaving no room for argument as Gojo winks at me and stands. He nods to Nanami, smiling as he taps his shoulder and walks back to the group. My eyes flick between the two, I'm confused about what's going on, but more so as to why Nanami is glaring at the daisy in my hair. I reach up and take it out, shaking my hair as his harsh features soften a bit. "He's an idiot." Nanami mumbles, before lingering and choosing to sit down. My breath hitches as he gives me a small smile. "I've heard you're struggling with classes, I don't suppose you'd like my help with studying?" He asks. 

I open and close my mouth, until I realise this is Nanami's way of being kind and considerate, unless he's also flirting with me? "That would be helpful, thank you." I nod, but then I add "Is that why you came over here? To study?" 

A look of shock crosses over Nanami's face until he clears his throat and looks away. "Not exactly, I hadn't planned it at all, but Gojo..." He leads off, "I've been meaning to speak to you for a while, I think you're very interesting, and I'd like to get to know you better." 

I let out a small laugh due to nerves. "Like as friends? Or more?" 

"Whichever you'd like, I can see us being friends, but I would like to hope that there's more too." Nanami replies as he carefully constructs a daisy chain, but soon turns it into a crown. He gestures to place it on my head, so I bow and let him put it on me before I sit straight again. His mouth lifts into a bigger smile as I stare at him. 

"I think there's definetly more." I murmur, "We should get lunch together, you know, before studying." I suggest. Nanami nods, standing as he holds out a hand to help me up, together we walk across the lawn, with Gojo not so secretly giving us both a thumbs up. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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