Part 1

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"How do I look?" I ask my mom looking into the body length mirror nervously as she fixes my hair for me.

"For the thousandth time livvy you couldn't be more beautiful! Now stop! We both know why the real reason you're so nervous.." my mom says as I look at and she smirks at me and I pull away going to my vanity desk to get some lipgloss.

"I mean you are the reason why I joined these rich cult anyway so yes I'm a little nervous and besides I've never been to a cotillion before so yeah I am a little nervous.." I start to say and my mom shakes her head.

"Oh stop acting like you don't enjoy it all...and I wasn't talking about that, I was talking about who your date is.." she says and I roll my eyes trying back to the mirror in front of me.

I groan. "I told you ma me and Spencer are just friends.." I start to say.

"Liv...I have eyes" she says starting to clean my room just so we can continue the conversation I presume.

"Well hopefully you're seeing that this was just a last minute thing and it isn't really date then.." I say being honest and wanting to change the subject but of course my mom isn't going to stop pestering.

"...oh and are you forgetting the almost kiss that you told me about?" I instantly pop my head up and my eyes almost pop out of my head.

"Shhhh ma please!" I shout as she laughs and I don't find it amusing.

"Oh so now you want me to be quiet in my own house?" She jokes and I shake my head and a knock on my door interrupts us as we both look at Spencer walking.

"I can never get these things right.." Spencer says messing with his cuff links and I can see that his tie is a little crooked.

" going to go...check on Jay and your father" my says quickly as I give her death stare and she puts both of her thumbs up leaving the room and Spencer doesn't seem to notice he's to busy messing up his suit.

"I don't know how I let you and Kia talk me into this.." he starts and I walk up to him grabbing his arm fixing his cuff.

"I mean you seem into it when we rehearsed.." I laugh a little as he sighs.

"That's because I'm a good dancer..."

I give him a look. "Sure..." I nod finishing up his cuff links and I go towards his tie untying it and lifting up his collar.

"...your shaking.." he says as we finally look each other in the eye. "I don't think I've ever seen you so nervous.." he expresses.

"Well when you're performing in front of elites it'll get you a that way.." I say finishing his tie and I look him in the eye as I finish.

"..the cotillion is not what I'm talking about.." he says and as I feel a buzz through out me as we stare intensely in each other's eyes and for some reason I didn't want this moment to end and I wanted his lips on mine. He doesn't even touch me but the I can feel the energy while he's standing right in front of me and I know he feels it too because I have yet to remove my hands off his tie and his chest has stop moving like he's holding his breath.

But then I remember that's whatever feeling would be wrong all wrong. I have a boyfriend a boyfriend who let me down but he's still my boyfriend. I pull away picking up my white gloves to put them on.

"So are you meeting up with Layla later tonight?" I ask wanting him to get my drift.

Spencer clears his throat. "Um...yeah maybe..but we're still on a break so I don't want to smother her you know? With everything that's happened.." I nod knowing that Layla and him are on a break and thats understandable. Spencer's like that. He's giving and he never gives up on people and that's why whatever we're feeling for each other has to stop. Or it would be very bad for everyone especially everyone we care about.

"Liv..." he starts and I look at him but someone interrupts.

"Oh my god Liv! You look so beautiful!" Simone runs in hugging me and I squeeze her back.

"Thanks should be out there with us!" I say groaning.

"Yeah what would a pregnant debutant look like? And I'm about to pop!" Simone says looking at Spencer.

"But I came up here to tell you two that everyone's downstairs and ready to go.." she finishes walking out and I grab my purse as Spencer grabs my hand and I face him.

"You know you're my best friend right?" He says as he holds my hand. I nod at him smiling. "And you know you can tell me anything.." I nod again.

"Always." I say and smile. We both exit my room together as we make our way to cotillion.



"Oh so you didn't like my little solo break dance I did in there earlier?" I say dancing as me and liv leave the building as she laughs at me hysterically shaking her head with her award in her hand.

"Yeah yeah you got all the moves.." she jokes as we stop at my car.

"Oh now you're just hating.." we both laugh again. "But no jokes aside liv im proud of really proud of you deserved that award tonight" I say being genuine.

"Thanks...I never expected to even like stuff like this but I guess my mom was right...expanding my horizons helped just a little" she smiles and I swear every time she does lately my heart swoons.

"Ms.Baker know her stuff..." I say getting a little closer to her and liv notices. I push her hair back off her shoulder. "And I'm also sorry that Asher tried to ruin this night for you...y'all really should of let me beat his ass"

"It wasn't worth it to be honest...he's going through something and once he deals with it he'll be back to his usual self.." she expresses and I nod at his graceful she always is.

"One thing you love to do is see the good people when they don't even see it in themselves.." I smile up at her.

"'s my super power" she smirks shrugging and I nod looking into her eyes deeply. I want to kiss her so badly. But I also don't want to ruin this moment by wanting to kiss her. We've been best friends for so long that even kissing her is scaring me and I know she feels the same way. I lean closer as I palm her cheek with my hand as she leans into it and that gives me the green light I need as I come closer and my lips touch hers. The lighting that goes through me is making me feel like I'm levitating as I deepen the kiss with my tongue and Liv pulls me in closer by shirt and our first kiss starts to turn into our first make out session. It was almost like we couldn't get enough. I start to pull her closer into me when a screeching noise start to come into view slowly.

"SPENCER!" Liv shouts pushing me and with my back turned I couldn't see anything or anyone until I hear a gun shot go as I fall to the ground and all I hear is the smashing of liv's award before I start to see a puddle of red on the pavement and I look down to see it's not mine.

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