here are the books that will be coming out as I hope to also get them into the deadline of when they are going to come out lol.
but I also will have to delete some of the books if I can't think a way of finishing it or the can be on hold if I can't...
I'm sorry for not updating my new work is making hard as I work 10 am to 7pm I'm just ready to go to bed when I get home as I ride the bus home and to work as the rides are 3 hours long so I am always tired.
But I am working on my recreation of A Father's Instinct and Love or war
But I'm going to start a new book as well the diffraction is ots not tmnt its going to be a avatar fan fiction
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As I'm not giing to say much as it might spoile it but I hope you all will love it.
Here is the cover to the up coming book.
Avatar Metkayina Research
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