Ivory Tower

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~The foxes, for a time, laid low. Basking in the peace that enveloped them as a blanket during the piercing frigidity of the cold season, they simply resided in the pleasure houses of Japan- content in the vulgar exchanges of bodies and gold, and granting respite to weary samurai through methods of poison fingers and tongues.

But not all poison is deadly.

The toxins residing in the bodies of the foxes would provide nothing but a searing pleasure, red hot and addictive.

The demons knew this fact very well.~

_                                                                                             _

The flashing lights of the club shone through the windows, drawing spirals of neon in colorful fractals across the dusty gravel alleyway turning off of downtown Toronto. Three men stood in a line outside of the venue, the one in the middle had a muscular stature and hair white as marble- his shoulder length hair was tied up in a high ponytail, his forehead sporting a thick headband. The colorful light reflected off of the multitude of sequins and crystals decorating the accessory in blinding fractals, his large arms were wrapped around the shoulders of the other two.

The man on his right had his own long black hair wrangled into a wild low ponytail as his sharp blue eyes stared blankly in front of him- a slight hint of unease visible in his body language. While his clothes were rather dull, they held a quiet confidence in the dark blues and black, paired with a leaner body than both of the men with him, he came off as the one with more responsibility. Each of his wrists held a differently colored bracelet, on his right wrist laid a maroon leather wraparound, and on his left a patterned band of yellow and green.

On the left of the tall man stood a shorter male with mid-back length hair, his hair, as it swayed gently in the wind- resembled a flickering flame. The blond hair with stark red tips contrasted heavily with the darkness of the night sky, and complimented the wide smile that stretched across the expanse of his face. His clothes seemed to follow the firey theme that covered the man, with a bright red T-shirt and white dress pants- gold jewelry adorning the cuffs of his ears and spotting his hands.

The brunette slowly took a step back, the black night practically swallowing him as he moved away from the flashing lights, his eyes momentarily flickering with a hint of unease. The other two looked over to him, the large one with an expression of questioning while the other kept up his grin.


Tomioka glanced up at their faces, his soft voice ringing into the night.

"Are you sure this was a good idea?"

The blue-clad man flinched backwards as the white haired man threw his head back in a boisterous fit of laughter before circling around the brunette and slinging his arm around his shoulders.

"Of course!"

The large man grinned.

"When have I ever had a bad idea?"


The near silent tapping of the Succubi and Inccubi employed in the Ivory Tower club echoed throughout the employee corridors placed beside, behind, and inside of the walls of the building, their whispers drawing the attention of all workers who had not been notified. A beautiful man laid draped over wine red loveseat, his shorts and halters leaving naught to the imagination as he relaxed in the back room of the employee lounge. Turning his head to face the door, his shoulder length hair fell from where it had been caught against his nape, tickling his cheek as he let out a soft exhale.

The first of the Hashira had arrived.

Ever since the Sound Hashira- Uzui Tengen, had discovered the Ivory Tower while on a date with his wives, and neither the workers nor customers had distained upon his choice of relationship, the had begun to frequent the place. Now, it seemed, he had brought the rest of his co-workers along.

The staff were practically buzzing with a nervous energy- for the Ivory Tower was run by, and frequented by, Yokai. No slayer, let alone Hashira had ever, and could never have knowledge about the world of spirits and its inhabitants.

The man swung his legs over the edge of the seat, his seven inch platforms hitting the ground with a sharp clack. Standing up, he tapped his acrylics on the wall

Loud tap, soft tap, soft tap, soft tap, pause. He continued tapping out different patterns until it formed a word, and glossed lips formed a feline grin. 

_... . __. .. _.

Swinging open the doors to the main floor, the man felt an exhilarating shiver climb its way up his spine as the ear-shattering music bombarded his senses, and he stepped into the crowd of writhing bodies.


Uzui Tengen thrived in a good party, and he knew it. So when he and his wives first stumbled past the booming nightclub that was the Ivory Tower, and Makio dragged him in by the arm- Suma and Hinatsuru trailing behind with their wedding rings on full display and they didn't get a single odd look, he knew that this would be fun. When the tall blonde dancer with the stilettos and gorgeous eyeliner traced around his fox-like eyes, smiled at the four of them like devil incarnate- he knew that this could be even more than that.

Now, as he stepped onto the threshold of the club with his arms around the shoulders of Kyojuro and Tomioka-kun, wide grin plastered across his face, he knew that he and the Hashira (maybe not Tomioka, but Tomioka never liked anything) would certainly have an eventful, perhaps even enjoyable night. 

Turning around as he heard the call of his name, he pivoted to face the Serpent and Love Hashira, Obanai-kun, as always, only had eyes for the girl who once again, as always- was oblivious. He sighed, at least they came. The snake-like man half-glared at him before sneering behind his black facemask,


The Sound Hashira raised an eyebrow in questioning, and Obanai clarified.

"You called us here. Why."

Tengen let a teasing grin flit over his features.

"Why don't we wait for the others before I explain, eh?"

The Serpent Hashira glared.


Once all nine Hashira had found themselves seated at one of the cushy circular corner booths, all of them except for Tomioka and Rengoku who already understood the purpose of this outing, looked towards the bejeweled male, a question in their eyes- and he leaned forwards, placing his bulky forearms on the low table.

"So. Me and the master both agree that the nine of us don't spend enough time together... so  I took it upon myself to remedy that! As we are all going to spent a night on a group outing at my favorite place, the Ivory Tower!"

The Hashira collectively stared at him, incredulous, before Obanai stood up, actually glaring now,

"Absolutely not. I'm out."

As the Serpent Hashira made to leave, a slender hand wrapped around the sleeve of his striped sweater and the high pitched voice of the Love Hashira called out.

"Awwwwww! But Uzui-kun specially prepared such a wonderful outing! Won't you stay for a little bit?"

The rest of the gathered, excluding Tokito, Tomioka, Shinezugawa, and Himejima hid smirks at the obvious obedience displayed by the harsh man when faced with the charms of the oblivious woman. As Obanai sat back down, a sultry voice cut through the booth, the baritone sliding into their minds like a knife through butter.

"Hello, dear customers- Tengen-san?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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