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Hello readers, this is the first chapter of this book. please if you like this chapter then tell me in the comment section and like as well.

Ignore the grammetical mistakes.



"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE HOW DARE YOU ?" A black haired boy yelled and threw a punch at brown haired boy's face but the boy luckily dodged from the punch and held latter hand to stop him.

"Huh what did you say ? ' i'm a fucking asshole' YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS FUCKING ASSHOLE YOU BASTARD AND HOW DARE YOUU" the brunette shouted and grabbed his collar bringing him dangerously close to himself and shouted again.

"HOW DARE YOU CALL NAMJOON A BOOKWORM, did you see youself looking like a EARTHWORM" he said letting go of his collar and next moment meet with a punch from that guy.

"Are you nuts Jungkook calling a person a bookworm is not insult. HUH actually why am i asking you? of course! you are A CRAZY BAS-" the ravenette said in a mocking tone to a boy named Jungkook making him more angry than he already is.

"HOW DARE YOU PUNCH ME" Jungkook growled making a move to punch the latter but stopped in the middle by none other than Namjoon his friend who held his hand to stop him to not make any further move.

"Like how you dare to punch me bastard " the ravenette said in a mocking tone with a smirk on his face.

"Jungkook cut the crap right now and Mingi you too please" Namjoon said in a calm tone. Now, all the friends of the two boys have arrived.

"What? didn't you hear what he called you ? AND I'M NOT GONNA SPARE HIM THAT EASILY." Jungkook yelled at him for the nth time.

"Jungkook don't lose your temper this is not a reason to fight with him. let's go we have class." Jimin jungkook's other friend said giving death glare to Mingi.

"I just hate this bastard" Jungkook said pulling his own hands from namjoon grip and turned to go to his class.

"Yeah I don't love you as well you dickhead" Mingi said turning away to the opposite direction from jungkook but halted in his track by none other than The Great Jeon Jungkook who held his collar from behind.

"What did you just said ?" Jungkook growled. Now, standing infront of Mingi.

"Are you deaf? I said i hate you dickhead" Mingi said glaring into jungkook's eyes pulling his collar from later's grip and next moment a punch land on his face msking him stumble back but someone save him from falling.

"YOU FUCKER WHY DID YOU PUNCH HIM" Mingi's friend Wooyoung shouted.

Now, two groups of friends are standing facing each other.

"Because your fucking friend called him dickhead" Seokjin said earning a glare from Namjoon.

"And where is the lie though he actually is a dickhead right Jeon" seonghwa said in a mocking tone.

"YOU BLOODY BASTARD" Jungkook shouted and ready to throw hands but stopped by his friends who are now stopping him by grabbing his waist and hands.

"LEAVE ME I'LL BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF HIM" Jungkook shouted again trying to free himself.

"HOW DARE YOU CUSS MY FRIEND" Mingi again jumped in the fight and trying to punch jungkook but he was held by his friends as well.

"STOP IT JUNGKOOK" Namjoon yelled but no use however he want to stop the fight because he saw a glimpse of someone and he knew that the end was near. Now, both of them struggling to beat the shit out of each other not aware of the two eyes glaring at them intensely.

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