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Ignore the mistakes..

"Lets go guys" San exclaimed.

After winning in the football match and buy gifts for his brother with his friends. Now, they were going to pick Taehyung up from the airport.

San, Wooyoung and mingi were in one car and Hongjoong, Yosang, Yunho and Seonghwa were in another car. Going to Seoul Airport to pick up a handsome and pretty boy.

"How much time it'll take bro" Mingi groans cuz he already want to meet the boy.

"You are asking this question for the nth time, Why are you so desperate to meet him?" Wooyoung asked annoyed by ravenette same question.

"Umm.. Bcuz i...i love him" Mingi stuttered and nervously said resulted San to stop the car with a jerk and both San and Wooyoung were surprised and turn their heads in mingi's direction in unison.

"WHAT THE FUCK BRO are you serious" Wooyoung questioned, shocked by the ravenette confession.

"Yes i'm really serious, i really love him since san showed us his picture." Mingi said.

"Well, that's not good Mingi, you'll be heartbroken because he don't want to have relationships and i don't know why?" San explained, starting the inigtion of the car and driving again because he already asked his brother about his relationship but taehyung said that 'Hyung i'm not into these kind of stuffs and i'm not going to involve in the future as well specially with boys.' San didn't asked him ,why? because he knew that something happened in the past with taehyung that's why he didn't want to have any relationship and taehyung didn't want to tell him as well so he just ignored to questioned him.

And now he didn't want to share this information with his friends because what if they thought taehyung is homophobic in this modern era. However, he himself have no idea, if his brother is homophobic or not.

"It's okay if he don't want to have relationship but Can't i admire him from afar? Can't i love him from afar? tell me can't i?" Mingi asked glint of sadness was visible in his eyes. The couples sitting in front seats sense the sadness in his tone.

"Mingi i have no words and i can see the love you hold in your eyes for my brother but how can i help you, i really don't know." San said, he wants to help his friend his brother will not accept any kind of love and relationship.

"It's okay i understand, you don't have to do anything for me. It's my love and i have to fight and win my love by myself" Mingi said and offcourse he'll fight with al his strength and win his love. Maybe.

"And i believe in you, i hope you'll change taehyung point of view about love and relationship" San said but deep down in his heart he knows that it's not gonna happen.

"Thank you for believing me San" Mingi said with a smile.

After a while, they reach the airport and all of them waiting for taehyung's arrival with a big board in which written "KIM TAEHYUNG" in bold letters.


In a bustling airport, stood a pretty boy with suitcase in his hand and a bagpack hanging in his left shoulder. he was wearing a coffee colour lose pants with a colourful stripes t-shirt and a lose olive green colour shirt over his t-shirt. His pretty face covered with a white mask and glasses.

A soft breeze of wind passed by him making his perfect blue locks flow in the air making him more beautiful than he already was.

A soft breeze of wind passed by him making his perfect blue locks flow in the air making him more beautiful than he already was

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⏰ Last updated: a day ago ⏰

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