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THE END OF SURYA MISAL──────  the mortal assistant

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───  the mortal assistant

Surya Misal was the greatest executive assistant on the planet.

Keyword, was.

Currently, Surya Misal was just another soul waiting endlessly for some dude to take her across a river so the gods could decide whether or not she got into heaven. Or something like that. See, Surya was, by birth, a Hindu. But she didn't really know enough about how afterlife worked in her religion, so she had to rely on the information she got from the cranky old grandma sitting next to her, the dog that was talking to her telepathically, and the chatty priest making rounds up and down the line to calm people down ( he called it his "job" but really, the guy on the boat was definitely the bigshot ). Well, at least the priest was talking care of the newly deceased that were spiralling, like, 'This has to be a mistake!' or 'I can't be dead yet!'.

The dog was a Buddhist, apparently, the grandma was atheist and extremely unhappy to find out that afterlife was an actual thing, and the priest was a Christian, so, not a very cohesive source of information. The constant was the bleary old guy Surya mentioned earlier, the one that was taking people across a raging river. Only problem was, not only was he was slow, he was a money grubbing capitalist.

Because the souls kept coming in hordes, the old guy had just given up instructing them all, and was taking the ones that had money on them first. Unfortunately, this was the 21st century. Who buried people with money anymore? Basically ninety percent of the souls were penniless and frustrated. It was only a matter of time before someone tried to cross the river on their own again, because apparently, the signboard saying, "Do not enter; River dissolves the soul" wasn't enough of a warning.

Surya had had enough. She'd flown too many business class flights to feel like she was at the bottom of the food chain again. If there was one thing she knew how to navigate, it was capitalism...



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MY BOSS FROM HELL ( riordanverse )Where stories live. Discover now