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Outside the Operation theater of the hospital sat two people Jeon Jaehyun and his father Jeon Jungyun .
Both of them were looking worried and nervous
Jaehyun was roaming from door to the seat located side way hundred times in nervousness
Jungyun: Jaehyun
Jaehyun: appa
Jungyun: sit  everything will be fine , Hana will be alright
Jaehyun: I am feeling nervous appa
Jungyun: it's natural to feel nervous son , don't worry in some minutes or hour you will be going to be father
Jaehyun: hm
Jaehyun and Jungmin sat waiting for miracle to be born and in next spam of minutes they heard loud cry of Hana as well as baby cry
Jaehyun litterly ran towards the door of OT
Jungmin closed his eyes thanking the god
Jaehyun was standing right beside the OT door waiting for nurse or doctor to come out
Then after minutes doctor came out of the OT
Jaehyun; doctor my wife
Doctor gave an wide smile to Jaehyun and Jungmin
Doctor: congratulations mr.jeon you became father of baby boy
Jaehyun: my wife
Doctor: your wife is also fine mr.jeon she is unconcious due to tiredness she will woke up at 9 o'clock you can go and see your son after nurse finishes her duty
Jaehyun: thank you doctor
Doctor patted Jaehyun's shoulder and left
Jaehyun: appa
Jungmin gave smile to him and signed him to go inside
Jungmin: go and see your son , I will inform your mother about this news
Jaehyun: ok
Jaehyun entered the OT and saw his wife sleeping and his eyes fell on nurse who was carrying his son
Nurse: I will just put the baby in crib
Saying this she placed the baby inside the crib
Jaehyun came near the crib and felt a sudden warmth form in his heart when his eyes fell on the little bean who was staring at him with that two doe eyes which held resembles of his mother , his eyes started to water as he felt sudden protectiveness spread inside him
This was his son , his blood ,a miracle he cried silently while staring at his child.
Jaehyun: my child , our child
Jaehyun moved towards his wife and caressed her hair softly and placed an sweet peck on her forehead and token gratitude for giving him Angel as son
Jaehyun: thank you so much Hana , you have given me the bestest gift of my life
Hana was still unconscious so she couldn't hear her husbands rambling.

Time skip
It was already night 9oclock , Hana was transferred to ward
She was tired as well but was smiling seeing her family admiring her son
Hana: hyun
Jaehyun who was sitting on a couch while letting his parents meet his son turned towards Hana hearing her
Jaehyun: are you ok should I need call the doctor
He said while getting up from the couch moving towards her
Hana: I am fine Hyun
Jaehyun held her hand in his own
Jaehyun: thank you so much for blessing our family with this angel Hana
Hana gave smile to Jaehyun
Jungmin and Yuna came towards the couple holding their baby
Yuna: Hana your son
Hana stared at her Lil angel in her mother-in-law's arms forwarded her own hands
Yuna placed the baby in his mother's embrace
Hana cried in happiness when her son leaned more into her embrace
Hana: our son Jaehyun
Jaehyun: our son
Jungmin: what are you gonna name him
Jaehyun: Jeon
Hana: jungkook
Hearing the name the both elder Jeon couple stared at them
Jungmin: Jeon Jungkook
Jaehyun: yes appa Jeon Jungkook, I know you wanted name your grandchild this name ,Hana suggested this name
Jungmin stared at his daughter-in-law with proud expression
Jungmin: you are blessing to our home Hana
Yuna: she is
The 4 elders stared at the younger one who was sleeping in his mother's embrace and cooed .

The same day in Seoul
A house was burning while women was standing infront of burning house holding her 6 year old son's hand in her hand  , the 6 year old boy was hugging him mother while facing back towards the house, the small child was scared seeing the fire and screams which were coming from the house
The women standing had villainous smile was in her face indicating the victory of her
?: whoever try to get my husband goes through this , I wish I could shout at the world what can I do if they try to take away my love from me
Bear do not feel scared your mumma is here
Saying this she carried the small boy in her arms
The boy stared at his mother with innocence and tears in his eyes
Boy: mumma
?: hey bear do not cry I don't like seeing my strong tiger crying
Boy: mumma scary fire
?: I know right fire is scary but don't worry your mumma will save you from the fire
Boy: mumma why Ryun aunty was inside
?: she deserved punishment and your mumma punished her
Boy: she was bad lady ?
?; yes she was very very bad lady , she tried to take papa away from mumma so mumma punished her
The boy stared at his mother with nothing but innocence and nodded his head
Boy: hm
?: promise mumma that you will never cry infront others unless it's your mumma or papa
Boy : I promise that will never cry infront of others
?: good boy ,shall we leave papa must be coming back home
Boy: yes
?: then let's go
Saying this the lady carried her son towards the car and made him sit in car then she herself sat on driving seat and turned on the key but before going she turned towards the burning house and gave an victorious smile
?:burn bitch
Mumbling this she drove away from the place
After driving for 30 minutes the mother and son duo reached their home
The 6 year old boy ran inside the home seeing his Papa's car and the lady chuckled seeing her son
She closed the car door locked it and enters inside the home
?: hey honey
Hearing the sweet voice the man who was carrying the 6 year old boy turned and gave an boxy smile to his wife
??: hey love
The lady went towards him and hugged him
Now their son was being sandwiched between them
The man chuckled and he held one arm around his son and other around his wife
?: I missed you Daehyung
??: I too missed you Aerum
The boy sulked seeing his papa mumma forgetting him
Boy: taetae also missed papa
His mother and father chuckled hearing theirs son's sulky voice
Aerum broke the hug
Daehyung: I missed my tiger also
Aerum: I will prepare dinner for us
Daehyung held her hand
Daehyung: no need Aerum we will order it from restrorunt
Taetae who is our Kim Taehyung overexcitedly clapped his hands
Taehyung: papa we will order from panda express
Daehyung: ok ok will order from panda express but before that papa will get freshen up ok
Taehyung: ok
Daehyung went upstairs
Aerum: taebear let's change you into nightwear come lets go
Aerum took taehyung to his room and gave him his nightwear.

Just an intro for their family
Orginal story will start from next part
Thanks for reading ❤️ ❤️
Stay healthy 🤍 🤍
Your author

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now