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After 20 years

Jeon Jungkook was seen running away from the boy who was holding an stick
Jungkook: hyung please sorry I didn't mean it
?: yahhh Jeon Jungkook you better stop otherwise I will break your legs how dare you to say joon that I am turning old , you bloody bunny stop
Jungkook: jin hyung sorry
Jin stopped running threw the stick away
Jungkook too stopped running and sat on the ground taking deep breaths
Jin:brat who gave you Jonnie's number
Jungkook: I asked aunty and she gave it to me
Jin: this mom
Jungkook: why hyung what happened
Jin: what happened hyung? Asking like you don't know what's happening, you brat why you said him that I am turning old
Jungkook: you are turning old
Jin: yaaah jungkookah I will smack you
Jungkook laughed seeing his hyung's misery
Jungkook: ok ok sorry
Jin came towards jungkook smacked his forehead
Jungkook: hey it's hurts
Jin; it should
Jin sat beside jungkook suddenly out of nowhere the whole atmosphere turned into gloomy
Jin heard sob coming from the younger
Jin: hey brat are you crying
Jungkook sobbed harder while turning his face away from jin
Jungkook: no I am not
Jin: come on bunny say what happened
Jungkook turned towards jin and jin became serious seeing the teary red eyes
Jin: jungkook why what happened
Jungkook: you will be going from here after marriage
Hearing this jin stared at younger with smile
Jin: are you going to miss me
Jungkook: hm
Jin: awww my sweet little cousin
Jungkook: I am not little
Jin: yeah I know I know
Jungkook and Jin were cousin brothers but jin treated jungkook like his own brother, they fight always but both of them know that it's not serious

And if you are wondering why jungkook is sad then let me tell you , Jin is going to be married his long distance lover Kim Namjoon in next 1 week and here our bunny is sad because his hyung will be shifted to Seoul leaving him in Busan .

Jin: hey brat I never knew you loved me this much
Jungkook: I don't shut up
Jin: yeah you don't, now let's get up aunty must be waiting for you
Jungkook: hm
Jin and jungkook both of them got up from ground moved towards their car and drove towards their home .

In Seoul
Location: graveyard
A man was kneeling infront the grave while keeping the flower bouquet on the grave
?: hey mom it's been 10 years since I lost you .
You must be wondering it's not even your death anniversary then why I am decorating your grave it's because I became what you wanted me to become mom
I became most successful businessman just like you wanted.
Dad says I may look like him but I tend to have every single trait of you .
dad misess you so much he don't say it but I know he misses you
I also miss you mom I miss you so much .
A lone tear made way through his eyes remembering the sweet movements he spent with his mother
People respect me mom they respect me and fear me, for this pathetic world I am The Kim Taehyung, A cold-hearted , strict, workaholic person, they fear me they all fear me and that fear gives me strange pleasure mom , I wish you were here to see me 
Anyway I know you are happy seeing me all grown up and perfect just like you wanted.
It's time I should leave I will meet you in week again mom I love you and miss you .
He got up and bowed to the grave and left from there .

Authors pov
Jeon Jungkook was bought up in a atmosphere were love was given to him without any hesitation and rules .
Being in the family which was respected by many people was huge proud thing for him.
His family was not richy rich but not too poor also you can call it as middle class family with dignity and moral values.
His grandfather was commity leader of the welfare group of the place they were staying and was respected by everyone in the there .
His father was owner of an small restrorunt located just 10 minutes near their house.
His mother was primary school teacher and his grandmother had retired from her job and now she was doing gardening in her home growing plants and vegetables
This was the little family of jungkook and he loved every single of them without any exceptions
Jungkook was Business graduate he had just finished his graduation and was waiting for interviews.

Whereas Kim Taehyung
A 27 year old man who was successful in his business.
He was cold , strict and was feared by the most of his competitors.
Taehyung took his father's place after his father was finally tired of business
He was basically just 20 when he was titled as CEO of Kim groups of companies
His mother passed away when he was just 15 loosing her was too much for him to handle he went into depression in just age of 15 and litterly had so many episodes of painc attacks.
Upon these all what hurted him most was entry of women into his father's life who came as replacement of his mother and god he only knows how much he hated that women
He hated his grandparents for thinking that women could replace his mother.
He hated his father for agreeing and letting her enter into their life
And he hated her more when she  litterly made him so lonely in his own house.
Taehyung grown up into adult while hating his grandparents and father and his so called wife .
Taehyung knew his father did it to give some motherly warmth for taehyung but he still was stubborn to talk to him .
This how taehyung and jungkook were bought up .

Thanks for reading ♥️♥️
Stay healthy 🤍🤍
Your author

I wrote this to make people understand how different situations taehyung and jungkook were bought up .

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