. ☆ . ; CONFESSIONS : : [ ONE ]

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The battle via extermination day was done. Multiple falling from where they stood and others reconnecting and building after. One thing was for certain though, not everyone was happy. Not everybody was truly smiling at the fact the hotel was rebuilt. Admist all the sad frowns, all the loss was Alastor. Stood between agony and insanity, a fine line inbetween the two, just for him to step right on it. He was experiencing his own loss, a loss of .. liberity. The loss of freedom of his own choices. Being limited to his surroundings, limited to shows of power and torture. He could never become truly great. He would never be known as something more than a cruel overlord, just like the rest of Hell. Cruel and uncaring. But did that stop his pride? No no. It didn't, not at all. It was his flaw, his downfall. He had recieved a direct hit due to his confidence being out of hand. A gapping wound that bled on his chest to his stomach, another scar to add to his collection. A collection tainting his fur, a mark of the vulenrability and weakness he had shown.

He had lost. It dented his ego, it made him weak. It showed he wasn't just some all powerful overlord who'd eat somebody up for messing with him. Embarrassing, a moment that should be forgotten yet it kept repeating and repeating over and over and over again within his thoughts. A memory that conflicted his actions, making him more wary instead of picking a fight straight way. That clearly wasn't noticed within the hotel's iconic crew but it was noticed by the devil. Lucifer himself. But why and how would be notice this? He and the radio demom quite literally picked a fight every chance the two could get. Something that had become a daily routine since the king had moved into the hotel. A wariness that was new to the overlord's behavior from when they first met .. was certainly eye catching. A peak of interest that binded Lucifer's eyes to the slim figure. Looking him up and down, taking in every detail. Trying to find something that was out of character. Out of character for such a confident person.

Creepy to some but to Lucifer, a out of place detail like this that had appeared within the weeks after the hotel had been rebuilt was interesting. It spiked his curiousty by a mile. What could be hidden away? Was it bad? Is it something he could use to an advantage? Or is this .. something new? Something new that stroked at the man's core, digging into him and changing his details. The partial winces, the hidden struggle was unclear to most. None of the others had noticed, not even the princess had seen it play through. A detail missed by everyone expect the creep who gazed at him every chance he got. No, it wasn't some friendly crush. A crush to become friends, it was an interest of disgust, disgust of how someone could act in such a manner. Refusing to call for help, a cannibal man who always kept his walls up seeming like he would almost never open the door to somebody.

With a spike curiousty, he watched as Alastor change his forms, a method of transportion via his shadow. A quick movement that allowed him to watch anybody and everybody if he desired to, allowing him to be anywhere within Hell's corners. An eye roll came from the king. An eye roll of .. confusion. His questions never seeming to be answered. A spiral of mockery within his lack of knowledge.

Speaking up to excuse himself to follow and find out more, ' ' Excuse me a moment ! ' ' He said with a chuckle, speaking to his daughter with a smile. Pausing her ranting to him. He was glad he was with his daughter but he wanted to know more about this ' second father ' to his daughter. What was his deal? The radio demon was a villainous figure, a figure too uncaring for his beloved daughter. Too naive .. for all these sinners, too forgiving .. It scared the king to death. Sure, everyone in the hotel had sinned but .. Alastor, he was mysterious. A mystery that swallowed him up whole, a mystery Lucifer needed to pull apart bit by bit. Piece by piece. No matter what. He snapped out of his head as soon as Charlie gave a nod, a nod of approval. She smiled back at him, knowing he was trying to make up the lost time in his own way but it'd be better to give him his own personal time to adjust. ' ' Of course dad, take as long as you need ! ' '

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