. ☆ . ; FEELING UNKNOWN. : : [TWO]

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' ' Why me? ' '

Lucifer asked. Clearly surprised, stunned even that such a bratty man was asking for HIS help. It was like seeing Alastor finally suck up his pride, which he probably did. But what did this man need for him? Why did it need to specifically him to free this deer. Though, Alastor. The high and mighty radio demon. He felt as though it was an utter annoying thought to be suffering as a forgotten memory. How dare such a man forget HIM. The audacity was high. After everything, the devil decided to continue his life. Hell, the guy didn't even know who he was when they met. He wasn't aware of them .. what lied between the past and the present. The slowly cooking tension took a spike by another breath. A hue of annoyance shown without speaking.

' ' Because you .. you, Lucifer .. you own me. You have my soul, you have stolen my liberity .. I want what's mine back. ' '

He spoke with a sharp tone. Showing his desires, he wanted his desires to come true. And this may be the closest he'll ever get. It was worth the risk of trying, trying to gain back what was rightfully his. He watched as the devil infront of him, the literal mother of sin look at him with a blank expression. An expression that was unreadable, he was quiet. It was almost like realization had hit him. Who Alastor was .. why he was asking him. Gosh .. it was such a shocker. That this was the same man, the same man who had been on his knees for him with his human desires. Costing the price of his soul and his frowns. A price he had been willing to take. But that willingness didn't last long clearly. Of course, he was angry. An anger that may just be released sooner or later.

TUG, the overlord felt a tug on his throat. A yellow glow of a chain, almost golden one could say. A clear hint of dominance asserted. Feeling to be on his knees like he had once been before, a feeling he dreaded. It was all too familiar. He gulped down his words as he looked up at the devil. Watching as a grin formed on the man's lips. A grin that showed he was in control, a smile that motivated sin. With a harsh tone, he heard words, a statement. ' ' .. No, I've paid my side. Would you really want to go into to debt with the devil? ' ' Lucifer said, tugging on the chain to get a reply out of Alastor.

' ' After all .. I let you get away with so much .. ' '

The radio demon felt weak, vulenrable. He didn't like it, he was used to make no flaws, no mistakes nor errors. He knew the devil was right, he had left the King in his time of need and now teased him for the ruler's absence. The absence of authority now reaching it's way back to him. He should've shut his damn mouth because now he was in an even weaker position. A position of a loyal pet to the devil. A man known for cruelity in the living land and known for his absence in Hell. Yet he was so stupid, so silly .. nobody would believe HE'D act like this.

' ' No sir .. ' '

A mutter of words jumbled up with anxiety and embarrassment. A mutter that spoke in a way that showed he had submitted to the King and he was being put back in line. He trusted that this wasn't how Lucifer usually acted but he had made a few errors. From mocking the devil to the very start. A start of greed. He had never had to lie, he had never had too much, he had never to sacrifice his LIFE. He could've followed his mother's ways, been a nice son, a nice sweetheart who's taking care of his mother. He could've lived longer but no, he was greedy. Greedy to fulfil his thirst for both hunger and power. But he couldn't get enough .. never enough, it was never enough. That was the flaw of humanity, wanting and wanting until one ruins themself. His everlasting grin plastered onto his face, not looking so smug at the moment. Not anymore.

His hands pressed together in a begging motion, a pray almost. A pray to the devil. He needed Lucifer, the fallen angel who was eternally damned. He needed him to fuel his power, that had been his wish. For his strength, his voice. Paying the price of his soul and his genuine expressions as he should've been happy that he got what he wanted. Alastor should've been overjoyed that he wasn't a nobody worth a mere drip of leftover ash from an ash tray. But he wasn't. He had to pay the price by being eternally loyal to the King, he wasn't the type to bow to somebody. Let alone someone so small .. so tiny .. someone who looked so fragile.

' ' Good, remember that. ' '

A final remark, a final statement that ended the entire conversation. The once choking grip that held Alastor tight by his throat left in a mere second, nothing there to constrain him from his undead breathing. He desperately held his throat, gripping at it as he gasped from such an encounter. He felt unknown. Unknown to himself, he wasn't a confident and handsome bastard people knew him as. He was weak and pathetic infront of Lucifer. Hearing the steps that once faded onto the balcony walk away, leaving. He just stayed seated on the floor. He asked himself why, why he was in such a situtation, why he was so stupid to wind up as the devil's little pet. He was the one who should've been SAVED, saved by a second death itself.

With Lucifer though, he walked a reasonable distance away from the balcony. Out of earshot from the deer he had left and then he squealed, a squeal of utter excitement. A huge contrast in mood from the red colored man. He snickered to himself, his hands in fists as he covered his mouth with them. He was giddy, giddy over such a find. The truth was, he had forgotten about Alastor entirely. The loss of his .. wife made him lose such a memory, a memory of owning an overlord. He spoke with a grin, a wide smile. ' ' Finally !! ' ', he finally had a way of controlling the radio demon. That was the biggest win for him in this banter for the big boss of Hell himself. Within a punch of a pentagram, he lost all his gut feelings of regretting talking to the sinner. He was glad, glad he made such a choice. Otherwise he wouldn't have found such a thing out.

It was great. Great news for him. With no guilt, no fear for consequences, he tapped dance down the hallway and back to where his daughter had been when he left, the lobby. He was going to have the best time absolutely tormenting the little thing who threatened to take apart him and his daughter in just a few actions and words. It was all fake anyway. The radio demon didn't care, he didn't need the princess's friendship. Well, he did actually but his reasoning just didn't come out of him. It was what frustrated the devil, why hide from him ! Why run to his daughter? What does he need .. other than the liberity he asked of. What did Alastor want from the hotel, what bond did he desire to get such freedom ..


Charlie glanced over to Vaggie, her girlfriend. The two had been remaking their relationship ever since their fall out, nothing was splitting them apart. Both were under each other's wing, defending each other, loving each other, supporting each other's every action. A healthy relationship. Something rare in the depths of Hell but not something so uncommon that it was concerning. Even the evil and hated knew how to love and care. Vaggie was Charlie's angel, her everything, the one who she needed all the time. Charlie was Vaggie's demon, her anything, the one she cared for all the time. A sigh left the princess's lips, she spoke softly. Just quietly.

' ' You know .. it's been awhile and I noticed both of them leave .. Gosh I wish they got along for once .. ' '

She said with a sad look in her eyes, eyes of truth. Those who are honest people hold all their emotion within the glow in their eyes, she was a good person. A good person who didn't deserve to be trapped in Hell until the end of time itself and maybe after that but she had her partner to stay with her at her lowest. Something that could bring anyone's joy and hopes up. It was something that brought her up, to be able to rely on somebody else. It was an amazing feeling that led people to romantic ecstasy.

' ' Don't worry hun, I'm sure they'll get along one day. ' '

The ex-exorcist said with a sweet smile, putting a hand on Charlie's shoulder. The two were obviously talking about Lucifer and Alastor yet when will day even come into grasp. When will the two even get along, that was the question. A hopeful look appeared on the hellborn's face, reassured by her girlfriend. She was hoping a friendship or at least mutual respect would blossom between the two. The two who proceeded to rival against each other like it was all some game that led both of them to the same path. The gambling of everything for a bit of fun. A bit of fun that could be given any other way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25 ⏰

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