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The sun was setting as Alex drove up the winding mountain road, the dense forest on either side casting long shadows across the pavement. He glanced at the GPS one last time before turning it off, confident he could find the cabin from memory. It had been years since their last reunion, and the anticipation of seeing his old friends again was both thrilling and nerve-wracking.

The cabin, nestled deep in the woods, belonged to David's family. They had spent many summers there as teenagers, but this would be their first visit since college. Alex wondered how much everyone had changed. He himself had a few more gray hairs and a slightly thicker waistline, but the excitement of the adventure kept his spirits high.

He was the first to arrive. The cabin looked exactly as he remembered it: a sturdy wooden structure with a wide porch, large windows, and a stone chimney that seemed to touch the sky. Alex parked his car and stretched, taking in the crisp, pine-scented air. The tranquility of the forest was a stark contrast to the bustling city life he had left behind.

As he walked up to the porch, the door swung open, and David emerged with a broad smile on his face. "Alex! You made it!" he exclaimed, pulling him into a bear hug.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Alex replied, clapping David on the back. "This place looks great. You haven't changed a thing."

David chuckled. "Why mess with perfection? Come on in. You can take the same room as before."

The interior of the cabin was cozy and inviting, with a large stone fireplace dominating the living room. A bear skin rug lay in front of it, and the walls were adorned with various hunting trophies and family photos. Alex's room was small but comfortable, with a single bed, a dresser, and a window that looked out into the woods.

He unpacked his bag and then joined David in the kitchen, where they cracked open a couple of beers. They caught up on each other's lives, reminiscing about the old days and sharing stories about their current adventures. David was now a successful lawyer, while Alex had made a name for himself in the tech industry.

It wasn't long before the others started to arrive. Ben and Chris showed up together, having carpooled from the city. Ben was as boisterous as ever, his infectious laughter filling the cabin, while Chris was more reserved, but his eyes sparkled with excitement. Ethan arrived next, his athletic frame and confident demeanor making him look like he had just stepped off a magazine cover.

The last to arrive were the girls: Fiona, Grace, Hannah, Irene, and Julia. Fiona was the first to burst through the door, her vibrant red hair and wide smile lighting up the room. Grace followed closely behind, her calm and composed presence a soothing contrast to Fiona's energy. Hannah, always the life of the party, was already planning the weekend's activities, while Irene and Julia brought up the rear, chatting animatedly about their latest adventures.

With everyone finally together, the cabin was filled with laughter and the sounds of old friends catching up. They gathered around the fireplace, sharing stories and toasting to their reunion. The camaraderie was palpable, and for a moment, it felt like no time had passed at all.

As the night wore on, the conversation turned to their plans for the weekend. Hannah suggested a hike to the nearby waterfall, a spot they had often visited in their youth. Ben proposed a fishing trip, while Julia suggested a bonfire by the lake. They decided to do it all, making the most of their time together.

The group eventually settled into their rooms, the cabin growing quiet as everyone drifted off to sleep. The only sounds were the crackling of the dying fire and the occasional hoot of an owl in the distance. Alex lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, a sense of unease creeping over him. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, but he chalked it up to the unfamiliarity of the cabin after so many years.

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