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The morning sun filtered through the dense forest, casting dappled shadows on the cabin's wooden floors. Inside, the atmosphere was tense and thick with unspoken fears. The shock of finding Fiona's lifeless body still hung heavy in the air, and the group's initial sense of camaraderie had quickly dissolved into suspicion and distrust.

Alex was the first to speak, his voice breaking the uncomfortable silence. "We need to figure out what happened," he said, his eyes scanning the faces of his friends. "Fiona didn't just die. Someone did this."

Ben, usually the jokester, looked grim and nodded. "But who? We were all together last night. How could someone have done this without being noticed?"

Grace, her face pale and eyes wide with fear, clutched a cup of coffee like it was a lifeline. "Maybe it was someone from outside," she suggested weakly. "An intruder or something."

David shook his head. "The doors were locked, and there were no signs of forced entry. It had to be someone inside the cabin."

The accusation hung in the air, heavy and oppressive. Everyone looked around, trying to read each other's expressions, searching for any hint of guilt.

"I didn't hear anything," Chris said defensively, crossing his arms over his chest. "Did anyone else?"

The group murmured in agreement; no one had heard any unusual sounds during the night.

Julia, who had been unusually quiet, finally spoke up. "What about the piece of cloth Grace found? It was near Fiona's body, right? Maybe it can tell us something."

Grace nodded and pulled the torn piece of cloth from her pocket, laying it on the table for everyone to see. It was a small, nondescript piece of fabric, but it was enough to set off another wave of paranoia.

"It doesn't match anything Fiona was wearing," Hannah observed, her voice trembling slightly. "So, it must belong to someone else."

Ethan, ever the rational thinker, leaned forward to inspect the cloth. "It could have come from anyone. We need more than this to figure out who did it."

Alex stood up, trying to assert some control over the spiraling situation. "We need to stay together for safety. No one goes anywhere alone. And we need to search the cabin for more clues."

The group agreed reluctantly, and they began to search the cabin room by room. The once cozy and inviting space now felt sinister and oppressive, every shadow and creak of the floorboards adding to their growing sense of dread.

As they searched, personal conflicts and old grudges began to surface. The stress of the situation brought out the worst in everyone.

"Why were you and Fiona arguing yesterday, Chris?" Ben asked pointedly as they searched the living room.

Chris glared at him. "It's none of your business. We had a disagreement, but that doesn't mean I killed her."

Ben snorted. "Convenient timing, don't you think? Maybe you didn't want her to tell anyone what you were fighting about."

"Back off, Ben," Alex interjected, trying to keep the peace. "Accusations aren't going to help us right now. We need facts."

In another part of the cabin, Hannah and Irene were going through Fiona's belongings, hoping to find something that might explain her fate. Hannah picked up Fiona's journal, hesitating before opening it.

"We need to respect her privacy," Irene said softly.

Hannah shook her head. "Privacy doesn't matter anymore. Not if it can help us find out who did this." She flipped through the pages, her eyes scanning the neat handwriting for any clues. "There's nothing here about anyone being a threat."

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