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DAMN! Was all Keefe thought as he felt Fitz's emotions swirling around him.

God they were intense! Fitz felt happiness, excitement, confusion, even admiration.

Keefe pulled away, head in his hands as he fought off a headache.

Fitz looked worried as Keefe sat up,

"Are you okay?" he asked quietly.

"Hmmmm, yeah. Just a headache; your feelings were...... intense!"



Fitz just looked at him expectantly.

"Oh I'm not telling you"

"What?! They're MY feelings, Keefe!!!"

"Yeah but once you know about them, it changes things. You need to figure this out on your own."

"Keefeeeeeee," He whined, turning to look him right in the eyes, "Pleaseeeeeeeeee!"


"You're so mean!"

Just then, Della popped her head into Fitz's room.

"Dinner is ready, are you staying, Keefe?"

He looked at Fitz, who glared at him. He just smiled, then turned to Della,

"No, I should probably go. This one is mad at me"

She turned to look at Fitz, confused,

"What's wrong?" She asked, looking between the two boys.

"He won't tell me MY feelings!"

"You have to work them out yourself!"

"I can't, Keefe, I'm so confused!"

So was Della,

"Ummmm, feelings about what?"

A faint blush tinted Fitz's cheeks, but he said nothing. Surprisingly, neither did Keefe.

"Okay...... you're welcome to stay, Keefe. I'll make sure Fitz is nice?"

"Nahh, thanks though, Lord Fancypants wants me home to do some Empath training"

"Great," Fitz mumbled, "So you can help him, but not me?"

"Ehh, he isn't asking me important stuff, you are."

"It's not important!"

"Yes, it really is."

Keefe didn't look like he would change his mind, so Fitz tossed him his home crystal.

"See you tomorrow," he mumbled. Keefe laughed at his glare

"Don't be so moody! You'll figure it out"

"No I won't!" He argued as Keefe made a path of light, "I have no idea what's going on!"

"You'll figure it out." He repeated, then he stepped into the light, vanishing within seconds.

Della looked at her son, who just shrugged

"Probably better if you don't ask" he mumbled, looking at his feet as he walked out the door.

"I don't think I want to know!"

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

"What's wrong, Fitz?"


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