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Dex had stood awkwardly at the door, shuffling his feet until Fitz answered, Was it rude? I did ask if I could come over but..... Oh stop being such a baby, he doesn't look mad- oh, here he is!! Calm yourself down!

"Sorry.... The triplets were being crazy and I needed to get away. You were the first person I thought of"

God, Fitz thought, he's so sweet. Thankfully, he didn't actually say that, that would've been mortifying."Best compliment I've got in a while," he winked and shut the door behind him, "Why don't we go for a walk?"


"We have this..... place I think you'll like"

"Let's go then" Dex was intrigued as they walked; what was this place? Why did Fitz make it sound like a secret? If it was, why is he showing me? Wait- does he-

 "Dex, you okay?"


"You look like you zoned out, everything okay?"

He mentally slapped himself, "Yeah no, everything's good, I'm just happy to be away from my house. They're so loud! I don't understand how they can run around all day; I can barely run at all..." (Same, Dex, same, my asthmatic ass could never).

"Aww, c'mon I bet you're fast"

"You overestimate me, Fitzroy"

"Do I?"


"Well," he had a cheeky glint in his eye that simultaneously scared Dex, and made his heart beat quicker, "How about a bet." He was grinning now, his eyes sparkling

"A bet?" Dex deadpanned, giving him a look. Fitz ignored him, talking excitedly,

"Yeah! If you lose, then you're right and I owe you a dare. But if you beat me, then you owe me a dare?" (I really hope you understand this)

"You do realise that I could purposely lose so that you owe me?"

"But you won't"

"Won't I?" Dex challenged, "Why wouldn't I?"

Fitz's smile... changed. It had been excited as he talked about the bet, now it was...... shy? That's the closest Dex could get to describing it. Fitz had slowed down, looking straight (Hehe 'straight') at Dex as he said, "Because you're too sweet to cheat"                                                        (Ahh it rhymes!! I'm a poet, guys!)

"You... think I'm sweet?" Dex's heart was racing, but he didn't let it show, raising an eyebrow at Fitz when he nodded, "We might have to hang out more often if I keep getting compliments like that"

Fitz nodded again, not thinking as he blurted out: "I could compliment you on a lot of things"

Shit, he thought, did I really just- UUGHHH why am I so STUPID?! When he forced himself to look away from the ground and up at Dex, he was surprised to see Dex looking as flustered as he felt, but he quickly regained his dimpled grin,

"Thanks, Wonderboy... didn't know you thought about people other than yourself- OUCH!" Fitz had punched his arm playfully,

"Despite what my alchemy mentor thinks, I'm not stuck up and rude"

Dex grinned cheekily, "Aren't you- OW! Okay, I get it!"

He rubbed his arm with exaggerated pain, laughing when Fitz rolled his eyes.

"About this bet then..."

"You're on?"

"I'm gonna regret this but... sure"

Fitz grinned, stopping and looking around before: "Ah! We race to that tree - yeah the one with the red leaves - ready?" Dex nodded, starting a countdown,

"Okay! Three... Two... O-hey!!"

Fitz had run on two, leaving Dex scrambling to catch up.


"Damn it!" Fitz frowned as Dex grinned,

"You owe me a dare, Fitzroy!!"

"You cheated" he grumbled,



"Do you have any proof?"

"No," he admitted begrudgingly, "But you-"

"No proof so...... you owe me a dare!!"

"You're so mean!"

"I thought you said I was sweet?" Dex giggled when Fitz just walked off, grumbling something under his breath. They walked in silence for a while until:

"Here we are!"

They had come to the side of a hill. Fitz pushed past the curtain of vines to reveal a door. He pulled a necklace out from under his tunic; it was a simple black chain with a small brass key.

"I hate licking stuff to open doors, so I asked to have a key instead"

The door opened and swung inwards slowly,

"After you"

Dex's eyes widened as he stepped into the room, "Wow.... Fitz, this is..."



So sorry for the long wait!

I should have the next chapter soon, sorry for the cliffhanger.

Criticism is welcome - and will be greatly appreciated (Just be nice, obviously). I'd love it if you would share your opinions in the comments. If you spot any typos, let me know, I won't be annoyed.

Anygays, Make sure you eat, drink and sleep today, you ARE worth it!! Luv you all <3 

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