Chapter 7

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Sif and the Warriors Three entered the observatory warily, only to find the intimidating Heimdall standing before its controls.

Heimdall glared at them accusingly.

"Good Heimdall, let us explain..." Volstagg began.

"You would defy the commands of Loki, our King, break every oath you have taken as warriors, and commit treason to bring Thor back?" Heimdall questioned. 

The four exchanged nervous glances.

"Yes, but..." Sif said.

"Good," Nightingale said as she appeared.

The group looked puzzled.

"So you'll help us?" Volstagg asked.

"I am bound by honor to our King." Heimdall declared, "I cannot open the Bifrost to you." With that, Heimdall left them alone in the Observatory.

The others turned to Nightingale.

"I love Loki with both my hearts, but I do not want to see him get hurt...but perhaps with Thor back on Asgard, it can bring some clarity," Nightingale hit the controls, and the Bifrost apparatus fired up.

Sif turned to the Gallifreyan. "Thank you,"

The Gallifreyan only nodded as she made her leave.

"I suggest you make your leave as well, Nightingale," Heimdall suggested.

"Loki would never hurt me," Nightingale said.

"Yes, but his wrath would be much worse if you were,"


Odin lay in sleep, Frigga and Nightingale at his bedside.

Nightingale heard the shouts of Guards outside, the sound of a battle. She grabbed a sword.

A Frost Giant burst in.

Nightingale swung the sword hard, cleaving into his shoulder.

The Frost Giant swatted her aside angrily.

Laufey and the Brute Frost Giant entered. Laufey looked at Odin, who was lying helpless on the bed. The Jotun king stood over the unconscious Odin, relishing the moment. He formed an ice blade. Laufey stood before the sleeping Odin. "It's said you can still see and hear what transpires around you, even in this state. I hope it's true so that you may know your death came by the hand of Laufey," he raised his blade above Odin's body when a blast of energy hit him from behind.

Loki held Gungnir behind the fallen Jotun king. "And your death came by the son of Odin,"

Laufey died as the other two shocked Frost Giants moved for Loki.

Loki fired Gungnir at one, blasting him against a wall and taking him out.

The Brute was nearly upon him when the Jotun stopped suddenly. His eyes went wide. The Brute fell to the ground, revealing Frigga standing behind him, the sword stuck in his back.

Loki moved to the unconscious Nightingale as she began to stir awake.

"Loki?" Nightingale asked as she looked up at him.

Loki moved a piece of her from her face. "I swear to you, Damia, they will pay for what they've done today. I will end the Jotun threat, now and forever!" He looked to Frigga and Odin. "And I will make you proud." Loki savored the moment, but it was short-lived as Thor burst in.

Thor was thrown by the scene before him: Odin safe, Laufey and two Jotuns dead, and Frigga regarding Loki with pride and respect.

Stunned and delighted to see Thor, Frigga beamed. "Thor!" 

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