009. ─── second chance

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finally free !

└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘

KAT WAS ANNOYED. That's the emotion she had settled on. It felt good yelling at the guys, but she couldn't be angry at them because, as Alex said, it was something they needed to do, but she couldn't exactly be happy. Why would she be?

School was absolutely awful, just as she had expected. Her and Julie were basically the laughing stock of the century.

What also didn't help was the fact that Julie and Flynn were in the same dance class together, and Kat was not. She hated dance with a passion. She basically compromised to do music, and music only, so she spent her classes by herself.

She also found out from Julie that Flynn had let her oversleep, and if Kat knew Ray Molina well (which she did). . . Julie was going to be in trouble. She just hoped he didn't know about it yet.

She felt a buzz from her pocket and instantly took it out to see that she had received a message.

julie jules 🩷 —— Julie
katie kat 💜 —— Kat

julie jules 🩷
heyyyy 🥰
you know how you
love me right?

She furrowed her eyebrows at the message. She knew this wasn't going to go well.

katie kat 💜
yes? what's up?

julie jules 🩷
okay hi pls don't be mad
but i was hoping you
could come meet at mine 🤗

katie kat 💜

yeah ofc babe but why

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yeah ofc babe but why

julie jules 🩷
just wanna go down to
the studio but i don't
wanna go alone, yk?

electric touch ✶ reggie petersWhere stories live. Discover now