Another Event

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Count Dracula stood up straight, unable to glance at his full appearance in a mirror, but knowing that he didn't have to. With over four hundred years of practice readying himself without the need of a reflective surface's aid, he knew exactly how to make himself look his spiffiest in front of his guests. And this time, he needed to look even spiffier.

Drac sighed, spraying a light spritz of cologne on himself and patting it near his neck and collarbone. He knew this day was coming, and yet he still didn't quite feel ready for it. None of it could compare to how it had felt that very first time a year back when he'd needed to prepare in the very same way, but it sure was close to it.

He smoothed back his dark hair and buttoned up the lapels of the classic black vest he was wearing, tucking the frilly white ascot into place at the neckline. Part of him just wanted to stay up in his chambers, going back into the nice, warm security of his coffin and maybe even sneak in a chance to sleep in more, hugging the warm body of his lovely human wife closer to him. But alas, that was not how things were to be. He remembered how easily, how eager Ericka was to rise for that night, unraveling herself from their embrace without much difficulty and stretching. "Come on, sleepyhead," she'd said teasingly. "It's time to get up!"

Drac complained about it for a moment, but was eventually tugged out, and he proceeded with the preparation for the day, leading him to the present situation. He slipped his Oxfords on his feet and straightened out his cape, ensuring he was properly set. A ping from his phone that was on a nearby desk caught the man's attention, followed by another and another. He sighed, going over to pick up the device and see who sent it, though he already had a feeling who. His suspicions were confirmed upon having a look. It was Johnny, his three text messages lighting up as he read them.


We're all ready and super pumped!

Are you coming soon? 😃😃😃

Drac made to type a quick reply, but groaned when his long claw-like fingernails only got in the way of the keypad. Ericka, who had been tidying up in the bathroom, heard him and came out.

"You all good there, honey?" she asked, her hands on her hips a smirk on her face.

Drac grinned sheepishly. "Eh heh heh, yes sweetheart. Just having a little trouble answering Johnny," he said.

Ericka laughed and scooted next to him, taking the phone from his hands. "Here, let me." With ease, she typed a reply to the redhead.

Yes, we'll be right down ;)

Drac frowned. "I don't use emojis," he said.

"It's not an emoji," Ericka said. "It's an emoticon."

"Same difference!" Drac said. "Just like this event and the one from last year."

"Yeah," Ericka said with a shrug. "Except it's a whole other movie, and hopefully it will turn out to be twice as fun!"

Drac scrunched his nose. "Twice?" He shook his head. "I don't think so, honeybat..."

"Oh come on, Drac, you're going to tell me flying on those tables wasn't fun?"

Drac considered it, then nodded. "Yes, yes that was. But all that reporter nonsense sure wasn't!" he said.

"Alright, alright, so not a whole lot of press tonight, got it," Ericka said with a thumbs up. "They won't come near if I've got you all to myself," she said with a sultry smile.

Drac grinned. "I wish," Drac said. "But that only keeps Mavis away. We'll hardly get a moment to ourselves without them trying to flash a camera in our faces."

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