Act I

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Not unlike the first film, this one also began rather ominously. Eerie music played as the camera took the viewers through a dark, foggy terrain in the forest. The title came on screen in black lettering, the audience already clapping.

Surprisingly enough, though, Johnny was rather half-hearted as he clapped. "'Hotel Transylvania 2'? That's it? I thought we were gonna give it a cool subtitle!"

Next to him, Mavis shrugged. "Well, I like it the way it is."

Johnny scrunched his nose. "I guess... but I was thinking something like, you know, 'Hotel Transylvania 2: Back with the Drac Pack!' or 'Hotel Transylvania 2: Dennis the not-Menace!' or 'Hotel Transylvania 2: Vampas and dhampirs!' or – "

"OR 'Hotel Transylvania 2: Gee, I'm not going to be able to watch this movie because my dear son-in-law talks way too much!'" Drac suddenly snapped, interrupting him.

Johnny blinked, then looked pensive, tossing the title around in his head before shaking his head. "Nah, what kind of title is that?"

Drac facepalmed, and redirected his attention to the screen.

The mist cleared out to show the outside of the hotel. The camera panned indoors, where it showed the spider-woven sign 'Congratulations Mavis and Johnny,' and all of the activity going on as the monsters prepared for their wedding. Then Johnny's family entered the hotel, glancing around in awe at the creatures around them.

"You probably couldn't tell," Johnny's mother Linda said, "but I was actually pretty nervous when we first arrived!"

"Everyone could tell, Linda," Johnny's father Mike sighed, speaking in his usual bored-like tone.

Preparations at the altar were shown next, with beautiful fairy lights adorning the arch above and the photographer shooting photos of the guests. Johnny soon stood up there, waiting for his bride.

Vlad pointed up at the screen. "Now what kind of bozo wears some run-down dirty tennis shoes to a wedding?"

Johnny gestured to himself, "Weeell, I wouldn't call them run-down per say – more like worn from love – but that would be me, dude."

Vlad scoffed. "Figures it'd be Schlumpy."

Johnny extended his arms out. "Hey, man, you'll never catch me in something like those!" he said, pointing at the elder vampire's pristine and professional Oxfords. Johnny glanced down at his own feet, wearing the same tennis shoes he had on screen.

"You're my bestest kicks! Don't ever leave my feet!" he cried to them.

Drac rolled his eyes. "Okay, okay. Stop talking to your sneakers."

Johnny listened, calming down when he saw the wedding commence.

Mavis appeared in the aisle, elegantly making her way down with her head held high and her long, lacy black wedding dress trailing behind her.

Drac sighed in admiration. "There's my little baby."

"The dress is gorgeous, Mavis," Ericka agreed.

Mavis blushed, mumbling a bashful "thanks" as she saw the wedding rings being put on her and Johnny's fingers. Vows were exchanged, and the couple leaned in to kiss. But, just before they did, Drac used the shrunken head from Mavis's doorknob and tossed it between their lips with his magic.

"You have no idea how much I wanted to do the same at your wedding, Dad," Mavis said, cringing as she recalled the passionate kiss her father had swept Ericka in for that day.

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