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Once Upon A Time

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...Once Upon A Time...




A  beautiful  baby  girl  was  born  in  the  Briar  Valley.

A  beautiful  baby,  human  girl  was  born  in  a  land  of  fae  and  fairy,  born  in  a  small  cottage  by  a  swamp. The cottage, far away from any prying eyes, far away from any fae, beastmen, mermaids and humans alike. "...She's so beautiful...." A tired women spoke quietly; her throat was torn and raw from screaming. The gentleness of it, well, it shocked you. Her husband sat silently beside her, his warm hand in hers, he stared at the scene before him. A mother and her child lay on a small straw bed, the baby's ear pressed against the wife's chest. A beautiful wife and mother, laid there with an even more beautiful baby girl. "Lets... name her Y/n." Was the last thing the woman said as her breathing grew steadier and shallow.

Her hand leaves his, no more strength left to hold on. it fell to the side of the straw bed. A breath leaves her, and the man knew she was off to meet Lord Hades. He bites his lip, and a hand goes to cover his face, the other trembling beside him.

A beautiful baby girl was born in the land of the fairy and fae's, in the land of magic and wonder, The land of Twisted Wonderland.

Your name was Y/n L/n, and you were the human child born in the Briar Valley. As your birthplace was brimming with it, it was no wonder you were proficient in the ways of magic. It was as if you lived and breathed the practice. A human such as yourself. The dancing sparkles of life that grew in your eyes as he watched you play with the mysterious magics around you, the magic you made yourself. "Papa! Look." You'd smile so gleefully and almost danced with the glorious elemental magical around.

"Magic is the center of her world." The man thought bitterly, a heavy ache on his heart as he looked on at you. You were marked by magic, and a great deal of it too. You couldn't be happier you were. Magic was love. You had known it since you were born. The warm comforts of magic were a solace in this small cottage at the corner of the world. Fantasy was what you loved and adored. It was such a privilege to be reborn into this world. You were blessed with this warm comfort every time you cast a new spell you didn't know you even knew. It flowed from your fingertips easily and fluidly.

Your father would only watch on as you danced with the magic that breathe life into this world.


"...she's so beautiful...." Your new life started suddenly. One moment ago, you were wandering the park you live by far too late into the night. The next? You were small, and covered in sticky liquids, a large pressure was forcing you forward out of this... cave? You cried out, wailing in discomfort and fear- where were you? You didn't know why, or how anything was happening, all that you remembered after was the gentle and fading heartbeat, the softness of the women's skin, and finally, the voice that gifted you your name. "Let's... name her Y/n." Then, nothing, the steady rhythm and thumping beats of her heart... gone.

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