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(this fits into the falcon and winter soldier ending)


you and sarah were best friends since forever. you always hung out, 24/7, and when her and her brother, sam, were having boat problems, she asked if you could watch her kids. of course, you couldn't take down that offer, since she was your best friend. so, you arrived at the docks, and was greeted by a few little boys.

the little boys surrounded you, all smiling "auntie y/n!" they all chanted, before you picked one of them up, and started ticking him senseless, before he surrendered, and you chuckled "i see i've still got it." you tease, and he smiles "no fair! i wasn't ready!"

sarah came over smiling. "good to see you y/n. thank you for watching them. they can be a bit of a problem sometimes." she says. you smile. "ah, its nothing. really. i owe you." you say giving her a hug.

sam came over too, and gave you a side hug. "good seeing ya." he says "how long are you thinking about staying?" he asks.

"however long it takes you to fix this damn boat." sarah says. sam rolls his eyes "yeah yeah whatever.." and then they continue on their little sibling banter.

"my buddy is coming in a few days. be nice to him." he says, pointing a wrench in both sarah, and your direction. you chuckle and nod "yeah yeah. i know."

"he's quite the charmer, be careful." sarah says. y/n rolls their eyes "i'll be fine. plus, i don't really like men anyway. i mean i do, but i don't. you know?"

"ehh.. i can't say that." sarah says. "oh? is there a lucky guy out there?" y/n asks. "maybe.." sarah says with a shrug. "who?" sam asks "yeah, no.. not telling him." she says. "understandable." y/n says.

"no seriously who is this guy?" y/n asks. "not telling." sarah says. "can you at least tell me the relationship details?" y/n begs. "fine." sarah says, with a light smile.

"we have been dating for almost two years now.. he's nice. he has a nephew that hangs out with him alot. he used to be a criminal, but he went to rehab. he's a nice guy now." sarah says

"hmm.. i'm gonna hold you to that." y/n jokes. "if he tries to kill you, thats on you." sarah laughs "but seriously. sam's friend, total charmer." sarah says "oh come on with him again, he can't be that good looking of a guy." y/n says.

man was she wrong.

the second he made eye contact with her, she was done for. "you okay?" sarah asked. "huh? oh yeah. mhm. fine." y/n says "did you see him?" she asks, y/n nods "i think he has an resting bitch face... hopefully.."

he gave sam a hug before they both walked over. "bucky, meet y/n, y/n meet bucky. and you've already met sarah." he says

bucky smiles at sarah. "hi sarah." he says "she's taken." y/n spits out. bucky gives them a funny look "are you two like-" y/n shook her head "no!! she has a boyfriend. she won't tell us who though.. is it you?" she asked

"oh, nah." he says. y/n sighs. "what about you? you got a boyfriend?" he asked. "nope." y/n answers. he put a hand on her shoulder and smiled "nice meeting you, y/n." he says, before walking off to sam.

y/n turns to sarah. "i'm in love." she says. "no you're no-" sarah tries to say, before y/n cuts her off. "YES I AM." y/n says almost demonically.
"okay, jeez.. alright." sarah sayss

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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