Chapter 1 Percy, Annabeth, and new potential friends.

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Nico DiAngelo was finally old enough to go to Hogwarts, but after his sister's death only in her second year, he was somewhat against going. That, and his childhood crush, Percy Jackson, would be there. Two things he never wanted to think about again, were now in the very same place he was preparing to go to. Not something to look forward to.

His father, however, was set on sending Nico to Hogwarts in hopes of getting rid of his son's hatred of the place. Also wanting him to make new friends, and possibly reunite with his old ones, like Percy and Annabeth.

Now, Nico is on the 9 3/4 train, cat in lap, and opening a chocolate frog. Not the best decision.

Once the frog was free, his cat chased after it, knocking a small pile of books he was planning to study, straight to the ground, causing loud sounds to attract the attention of other students.

Luckily, Nico was able to catch the frog before his cat did, and pick up all his books from the ground, placing them back onto the seat next to him neatly. Before an annoyingly familiar face appeared, opening the compartment door.

"Nico?! Hey! Long time no see! How are you!?" The figure walked over to him and gave him a tight hug, which Nico immediately tried, and failed, to escape. "Percy, get off!" This attempt, also failed, as Annabeth walked in, and Percy turned to look at her, picking Nico up like a doll.

"Nico's here?!" She says, her eyes landing on the struggling boy in her boyfriend's arms. "oh! Percy, put him down. Nico!" The second he was freed from the first, Annabeth pulled him into a second hug. Lucky for her, though, it was much shorter and Annabeth let go before he could yell at her too.

"Nico! It's so good to see you! ... have you been getting enough sleep? You look tired. And what about food? You're so skinny, and pale now."

As Annabeth worries about Nico's health, another two 4th year girls peek their heads around to see what their friends are up to.

"Piper! Hazel! Meet Nico! Nico, this is Piper, and Hazel." Percy says, ushering the two into the compartment.

"Hey..." Nico waves unenthusiastically, greeting the girls, Piper was wearing Gryffindor cloaks along with Percy, while Annabeth's were Ravenclaw, and Hazel's was Hufflepuff.

Hazel is a sweet looking girl, with brown skin and hair, her hazel eyes match her name, and she smiles, her chubby cheeks becoming even cuter. Nico would never say this, but when she hugged him, he almost hugged back.

Piper was a beautiful girl. It was obvious. She wears a feather in her hair, and beaded braids. If he wasn't gay, Nico might've blushed a bit when she smiled at him.

"So, Percy, do you actually know this kid, or did you just walk into a random compartment again?" Piper asks.

"Hey, Will was happy to see me. Just because i only met him an hour ago doesn't mean i don't know him." Percy argues. "But yes, i do know Nico. For like, two years now. Our dad's are brothers."

Percy put his arm around Nico's shoulders proudly, and Nico responded by shaking him off and sitting back down. "He's right. But id prefer it if he didn't hug me all the time." Nico glared at him for a bit, and the other three took seats.

Hazel sat next to Nico on the side without books, and the other two girls flanked Percy on the opposite side. Nico, feeling a little awkward, decided to pick up one of the books and look through it.

'Oh, wonderful... plants.' He thought. No turning back now. The others decided to pick up conversation between eachother about this Will kid they were talking about earlier.

Nico, being bored easily by magic medicinal plants, decided to listen in on the conversation. Technically it isn't eavesdropping if they're saying it right in front of you, right?

"He's a first year, like Nico. Do you think they might end up in the same house?" That was Annabeth. "I doubt it. They look like total opposites." Piper says. "Nico's pretty nice and caring once you get to know him, right Annie?" Percy. "Percy, you know i hate that nickname." Annabeth says, sounding annoyed.

"I agree with Percy. Nico seems like a sweet boy. I wouldn't be surprised if he and Will end up in the same house." Hazel says from right next to him, her voice soft in a useless, but still sweet attempt to not inturrupt his reading.

As much as he hated to admit it, Hazel was rapidly growing on him. He almost smiled! Then, Nico's cat reappeared from wherever it was hiding.

"Cool! I didn't know you had a cat!" Percy says, picking it up.

"I thought you said you've known him for two years. How would you not know his familiar?" Piper asks.

"I would know if Nico bothered to send letters, but he hasn't done that for at least a year now. Now that i think about it... he stopped sending them around the time that B-" Annabeth stopped him, elbowing him in the face. "Ow!"

"Percy, seriously?! That is not something you should be talking about. Especially so casually." She says.

"What are you talking, or rather, not talking, about? Did something happen?" Piper asks, intrigued.

"That's for Nico to answer. And don't bug him about it either. It's bound to be a sensitive subject, based on our last encounter." Annabeth says before Pearcy can say something stupid again.

Everyone turns to Nico, expectantly. He leans over, grabs his cat from Percy and puts it on his shoulder, where it obediently sits, picks up the rest of his stuff, and leaves the compartment without another word, moving to the next one over, which, thankfully, only has one person in it.

"Hey, uh, do you mind if i stay in here for the ride?" Nico asks the boy.

He's a first year, from the looks of his robes, no house emblem or anything since he hasn't been sorted yet. His hair is curly and blonde, and his skin is tanned and covered in constellationlike freckles. His eyes are also blue, which only adds to the sky theme his face gives off.

He smiles. Something Nico found absolutely adorable and almost blushed. (He totally blushed a bit. (;        <3)

"Sure, seat's free, go ahead. I'm William Solace, by the way. Most people just call me Will, though. What's your name?"

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