Everyone forgets the boats

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'Will? So this must've been that kid they were talking about earlier.' Nico holds out his hand for a shake, which he recieves.

"I'm Nico."

Will smiles at him again, annoyingly cute. As Nico sets his pile of books down next to him, his cat climbs down from his shoulder to sit on the pile like a throne.

"Cute cat. Does it have a name?" Will asks. "Of course it has a name. It's name is Nemi." Nico says.

"That's adorable." Will leans over and pets Nemi, who purrs softly at the touch. 'Great, my cat likes you. Now i have to be friends with you, or I'll hear meowing all night.' Nico thinks.

"So, what house are you planning on being sorted in?" He asks, pulling Nico from his thoughts.

"Oh, uh. I don't really want to think about it. That way i won't be disappointed if i don't get what i want." Nico says flatly.

"Good plan. I guess it's a little too late for me though. I kinda really wanna be in Hugflepuff already." Will says.

"Hufflepuff?" "Yeah. All the kindest wizards (male) witches (female), and wix (nonbinary/other) are in Hufflepuff." Will smiles. "Plus they get to wear yellow a lot. Yellow is my favorite color."

"That's... nice, actually." Nico says, smiling. (Yes, smiling.) "I hope you get in Hufflepuff then." Will smiles more. That boy is so smiley, it's contagious.

(Time skipping around the train until they get to the boats. Everyone forgets the boats.)

Nico and ends up in the last boat, paired with, of course, Will Solace. Nico avoided conversation by looking out over the water and enjoying the veiw.

Will did the same, though his eyes were on something much more huggable than the water, or the castle-like school building.

Nico never noticed this, even as they got out of the boats and Will offered to help Nico, who declined and ended up falling out of the boat, and reluctantly accepted Will's new offer to help him off the ground.

"I know I'm cute, but you don't have to fall for me like that." Will says, jokingly flirting.

"If i fell for anything, it was the dumb boat that tripped me." Nico says, brushing the dirt off his clothes, and following the other first years into the building.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Will catches up. "You can't seriously say that a boat is more charming than me and then walk off like that." Will says, trying to keep up the conversation.

Nico doesn't respond, and practically ignores Will until they get to the sorting ceremony, where Will has to be silent.

After a bunch of random first years names are called, and a kid by the name of leo valdes sits down over at the slytherin table, Will is called up.

"Solace, William." He steps up and the hat is placed on his head.

"Such a smart young wizzard." The hat says. "Yet kind, with a big heart. You're a stubborn one too. What do you say? Hufflepuff?" Before Will can properly answer, the hat sensed his exitement, and called out. "Hufflepuff!" Will happily sat down at the Hufflepuff table.

"Potter, Jen" "Gryffindor!" "Kirma, Grey" "Ravenclaw!" "DiAngelo, Nico" Nico walked over to the sorting hat.

"Ah, how sweet. So suitable for Ravenclaw, yet your heart lies in Hufflepuff." "What? No. I have no preference. Any house is fine with me." "Any? My, you have a lot to learn. Maybe Hufflepuff will do you some good as well. What do you say?" "I told you it doesn't matter." "Hufflepuff it is then. Hufflepuff!"

The other Hufflepuffs cheer. Especially Will, who offers a seat next to him, which is politely accepted.

After all the names are called, chatter begins to arise as first years are greeted by their new house members.

Across from Nico, sits Hazel. "Nico! Hi! I'm so glad you met Will too. He was looking kind of nervous when you were getting sorted. Are you friends now?"

"Hazel!" Will says, blushing slightly, but Nico doesn't notice. Hazel looks between the two and giggles.

"What? Is something wrong with us being friends?" Nico asks, confused.

"No, not at all. It's just cute is all." Hazel says, to which Will blushes even more, embarrassed. Nico, oblivious to it all.

Food appears on the platters for dinner, and both Will and Hazel grab themselves some, while Nico seems a little hesitant, deciding in the end to just grab a dinner roll, and an orange.

Hazel looks at him weird, and Will speaks up. "Is that all you're eating?" "Uh, yeah, I'm not usually that hungry." "Oh, okay..." Will and Hazel both go back to eating, though a little more hesitant now.

A boy comes over and sits down next to Hazel. "Hey, uh. How are you?" He says, and Hazel smiles sweetly, a hint of a blush at her cheeks. "Hey Frank. Im fine. New year, new first year students to befriend. This is Will, and Nico."

Frank waves and the two wave back, the awkwardness leaving the area to go find another group of magical teenagers to torment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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