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𝒥𝓊𝓃ℯ 2024

As Joshua clung to the hotel room door, his eyes raked over my figure with a hint of annoyance at my tardiness, though the way his gaze lingered betrayed his true feelings.

I couldn't help but sway my hips alluringly as I stepped past him into the hotel room, knowing full well the effect it would have.

Though Joshua may have tried to feign displeasure, the growing smirk on his face as he led me through the foyer and into the living area made it clear he was more than willing to overlook my tardiness in favor of the enticing view I provided.

His smirk only widened when I thanked him for the compliment on my appearance, and he was quick to offer me a drink, no doubt hoping to loosen me up before we dove into the real reason I was here.

I made it clear, however, that I had no intention of dawdling - I had a plane to catch, and so I wanted to get straight to the action.

The hungry gleam that flashed in Joshua's eyes at my words was all the confirmation I needed that he was more than ready to oblige.

The moment we hit the bedroom, the urgency between us was palpable.

I braced myself against the headboard as Joshua's powerful thrusts sent delicious tremors through my body, his sculpted physique straining with each movement.

My cries of pleasure quickly escalated into full-blown screams as he chased his release, his grip on my hips bruising as he drove into me relentlessly.

The filthy words that spilled from his lips only served to heighten the sensations, sending me hurtling over the edge in a flood of ecstasy.

The feeling of me clenching around him was Joshua's undoing, a strangled cry of bliss tearing from his throat as his hips lost their rhythm.

He collapsed against me, shudders wracking his body as the intensity of his climax washed over him.

We lay there, enveloped in the blissful afterglow, every nerve alight with the residual sensations until the tremors finally subsided.

Only then did Joshua pull me close, our sweat-slicked bodies intertwined as we basked in the lingering euphoria.

Only then did Joshua pull me close, our sweat-slicked bodies intertwined as we basked in the lingering euphoria

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