Quick Cash Grab

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Buzz! I glanced over at my phone. The smooth clear phone case felt cold in my hands as I picked it up. As the screen lit up, I saw that my cousin Luna had texted me.

8:46 AM
Hey Y/N! It's Luna. Sorry for such a late heads up, but I've gotta head out of town for a little while. Are you able to keep an eye on the place? No one who lives locally wants to.

What? Luna and I haven't spoken in months! The last time I saw her was at our other cousin's funeral. I hear she's been going downhill lately and getting involved in sketchy stuff. Why would she want me to watch over her house now?

Yeah sure.
I don't mind.
If I can ask though, what's going on? You going on a big trip or something?

I replied. After a few moments, Luna responded.

Yeah, something like that.

Weird... Seriously, like who the hell responds like that? Serial killers I guess.

Oh come on, you can tell me anything!
It's not like I'm gonna judge you. We've seen each other's most embarrassing moments.
Remember when you back-flopped into Uncle Sean's pool so hard that your back was red for the rest of the day.
That was funny.

Radio silence from the other end. I understood that Luna was struggling, but her soulless attitude reflected as bright as day through the text messages she sent.

Can you watch the place or not?

I'll leave you alone, but I've got a few more questions.
Ask away.

Why me? I mean, I live a solid 4 hours away. I'm In Helena.

Yeah four hours away in that trashy little trailer. That's still in Montana. Plus, Aunt Mabel wants you to live closer. She keeps bothering me about it.
Look, I want you to use it as a place for you to get back on your feet a little. You don't deserve to rot away in that trailer park working as a Chuck E. Cheese server forever.

What? Who told you that? I never worked at Chuck E. Cheese.

Then what do you do?

I'm a Subway sandwich artist.

Well wherever you are working, it clearly isn't working out for you. This is a win-win for both of us. You get to stay in a real house for a while and if you want, you can get some work done for me. I'll pay you for it.

Shit, that's all you had to say.

Good. Come over later this week and I can give you the rundown on what needs to be done.

I can be there today if that works.

Yeah, the sooner the better.

That was that I guess. Luna never had much of a filter when it came to what she said. She said what she thought without sugarcoating it. I respected her for it, but it still hurt a little. It's gotten much worse recently after our cousin Sarah passed. However, what Luna said was true. The reason why I have been struggling financially is because of school. I'm a sophomore in college and my student loans are insane. I've been working from job to job, and I keep getting laid off because of my availability. My bosses schedule me during my classes, and I can't go during that time, so I have to choose between missing crucial information or missing the money I need to pay for my mile-high stack of bills and loans. Money was money, and I was currently unemployed, so I had to jump on any job offer I could get.

I've been staying with my friend in her dad's trailer park for a little while as I try to getl my shit together. I've thought about dropping out, but that would be the final move to crush my spirit. All that work for nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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