A Sleepover?

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After the X Games, Things haven't been going well for Bradley.

Some or most of his team members have left the Gammas, Having Bradley leave the Gammas too, While Max is having the time of his life in college, Skate boarding with his friends, Gaining a few other friends, And other stuff similar to that, And though Max and Bradley are still rivals, They do not speak as much as they had before the X Games.

Max was walking through the halls, Talking to his best friends, PJ and Bobby, Before then, Max bumps into someone, Max falls to the ground, His heading hitting the ground first as he yelps in pain. "Ahh!" He groaned, softly rubbing the back of his head, He then looks up to see who it is..

Bradley!? Ugh.. Not HIM again.. Max sighs, standing back up on his two feet and brushing himself off. "What do you want, Brad?" Max asked, glaring at the taller senior as he shoves his hands into his pocket. Bradley rolls his eyes, One hand on his hip. "You're acting as if I bumped into on purpose, Goof." Bradley said, smirking as he glared at Max, as if he was planning something stupid. Max raises an eyebrow at the expression, Before rolling his eyes back. "Uh uh.. Whatever..'' Max said, before he walked past Bradley, PJ and Bobby catching up to him as the continued they're conversation.

Bradley gritted his teeth, His fist clenching as he growls in anger, Cursing under his breathe. "Stupid bastard.. Stupid.. God dammit.." Bradley sighed, Before he continued walking, His hands up against his waist(Idk how to explain) as he walked, Trying to forget about Max and his stupid 2000s Haircut.. His dumb snake bites and piercings.. His dumb- Bradley started blushing hard, Shaking his head as he froze, staring at the ground. "What the- Why is that stupid Goof stuck in my head?!" He thought, trying to forget about Max, But just couldn't.. Why not..?

Bradley sighed, Before hearing a voice. "Uhm.. Hello?" Bradley turned around, Looking at the person who spoke, It was a girl.. A bit short, She had a bit of a tanny and orange skin, She was also a red head, Big black eyes, She wore a chance colored tight shirt with a Navy blue jacket, and some blue shorts.

"Err.. Who are you exactly?" Bradley asked, raising a eyebrow as he fully turns his body to the girl. "Hi! My names Roxanne.. You?" She asked, Raising a eyebrow as she smiled softly. "Bradley, Uppercrust the III." Bradley responded, smirking like always.

"Oh! Yeah, I've heard of you before! I mean, not a lot but I have heard of you." She said, She made it sound like she was new to this college, Though, She wasn't, She'd been to that college the amount of time Max has. "Anyways, I'm having a sleepover and a few of my friends here are coming, I was wondering if you wanted to come too?" She asked, Having the same soft smile stuck onto her face like a piece of tape. "Hm.. Sure, I guess." He answered.

Roxanne smiled brightly. "Great! Oh, and uhm.. Could you ask Max if he'd like to come over? Tell him it's me btw." She asked, Before walking off, Her friend, Stacy, coming over to her from another Hall as they talked. Bradley seemed confused, His bright and wide smirk wiping off his face. "Why would she ask about Max? Hes just a dumb stupid dog.." Bradley thought, Before he walked away to go and find Max, After JUST bumping into him..

It took Bradley a while to find Max, but eventually he did, And where did he find him? A skate park, Of course that's where he would have been. Bradley sighed, Watching Max do his dumb skate boarding tricks, But for some reason, Bradley was interested, Watching Max as he had a tint of pink flush onto his cheeks, Small little hearts in his eyes.

After Max was done skating, He went to talk to his friends. "Ah, that was sick, Max!" Bobby spoke, smiling as he eats his subway sandwich. "Yeah! That was pretty cool it you ask me." PJ said after Bobby. "Thanks guys, It takes a lot of practice, ya know." Max responded, smiling softly.

Bradley rolls his eyes, crossing his arms. "I could learn that in a day or 2.." He mumbles, But Max was able to hear him. "Huh?" Max spoke, turning to Bradley with a raised eyebrow. "Nothing, Goof." Bradley responded, glaring down at him. "Anyways, A girl named "Roxanne" asked if you wanted to have a sleepover at her house.." He explained, Making Max's eyes widen in surprise. "Roxanne?!" He yelled, before covering his mouth. "Shit- sorry.." He apologized. Bradley rolls his eyes again. "Whatever, Keep it down next time, Goof. But yeah, Roxanne." Bradley said. Max smiled widely. "Y- Yeah! I'll- I'll totally be at her sleepover, of course!" He replied, Max had lost feelings for Roxanne but was excited to see a old friend again after 2 years. "Hey Max! We're gonna go get some burgers and fries, You coming?" Bobby yelled, Max smiled, Letting out his Goofy laugh, Which made Bradley blush hard. "Yeah! Coming!" Max yelled out to them, grabbing his skate board and rushing over to his friends, He then looked back at Bradley, He was confused on why his face was so red, But he didn't question it, Bradley was just one of his nemesis, No one important of course, Max then continued walking with his friends.

"Ugh.. Stupid Goof.. With his stupid... Stupid.. Stupid laugh.." He mumbled, but covered his face with his hands. "But why is he so..- Gahh! God dammit!!'

965 words! Thx for reading Xoxo ^^

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