I WILL be your boyfriend >:[

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((The title is not anything toxic dw 😭))

It had been a few weeks, after the sleepover, Max and Roxanne had became good friends again, Supported Roxanne and Stacy after Roxanne had told him about they're relationship, And Max and Bradley were actually getting along, I mean, they still tease each other and have banter but even then they're still going great!

Max was walking down the hall, talking to Roxanne about Powerline, of course, They still were a fan of him, Max then spot Bradley talking to Bobby, He raised a eyebrow. "Huh.."

"What's wrong?" Roxanne asked, looking at Max with a confused expression, before looking in the same direction as Max, seeing Bradley and Bobby speaking in a class. "Oh, Well I've never seen them chat before." Roxanne said, before looking back at Max, Who had a jealous look on his face, was he jealous of Bradley and Bobby?? Who knows..

"Yeah.. I wonder what they're talking about." Max said, before looking back at Roxanne, "Yeah, I wonder." Roxanne said, before smiling. "Hey, wanna get coffee with me and Stacy after next class?" She asked.

"Uh, sure?" Max responded, before heading to next class.

With Bobby and Bradley..

"Soo, you need help with asking Max out, bro?" Bobby asked, raising an eyebrow as he leans on the chair, his feet on the table, "Uh- yeah.. Think you could help me??" Bradley asked, fidgeting his two fingers together as he blushed in embarrassment.

"Yo, sure, I guess." Bobby replied, Standing back up on his two feet from his seat, Bradley's eyes widen, looking at Bobby.

"Really?" Bradley asked, raising a eyebrow as he shoves his hands into his pockets. "Sure, But you owe me, got it?" Bobby said, pointing at Bradley. "Uh- yeah, of course.." Bradley said, smiling widely. (Time skip, I'm lazy)

The next day, Bobby, PJ, And Max were at the skate park, doing random tricks and what so ever, before Bobby spoke. "Hey guys, should we take a photo?" Bobby asked, raising his eyebrow at them both.

"Sure!" Max and PJ said, Bobby then grabbing his camera put of his pocket, Taking a picture of them all, Even taking other stupid pictures, Before Bobby decided to record a video without telling Max.

"Alright, Ready Max?" Bobby asked, Raising an eyebrow, "Uh- yeah! All ready to go." Max said, his hands in his pockets.

Bradley was behind Max, but not to close, he was holding a bouquet of roses in his hands, About too much to almost cover his whole face, "You ready, Pretty boy?" Mocha(My name for Beret Girl) asked, raising an eyebrow with a hand on her hip. "Uh.. Yeah? Yeah, I guess.." Bradley said, blushing a lot. "It'll be fine, It's not a crime to propose." Mocha said, before walking away. "Good luck!"

"Alright, say cheese!" Bobby said, now recording Max on his camera, Max smiled, Doing the "peace" sign with his hand. "Cheese!" He said, smiling, showing his gaped teeth. "MAXX!" Someone yelled, Max's smile fading away and his expression turning into a confused one, He turns around, looking at Max with wide eyes. "Brad?"

Bradley looked at him with a flustered look, looking at Bobby, Bobby was motioning to him to confess, Bradley sighs, his eyes narrowing. "I WILL be your boyfriend." He said, frowning, Max just stares at him, confused. "What??" Max asked, Bobby signing in annoyance as he face palms. "Dude, that's not how you do it.." Bobby said to Bradley.

"Oh uh- WILL you be my boyfriend??" Bradley asked Max, looking away in embarrassment, Max chuckles. "Yeah, sure, Brad." Max said, smiling softly with a tint of red on his cheeks, Bradley's eyes widen in surprise. "Really??" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Y- yeah.." Max said, walking up to Bradley and grabbing bouquet. "But.. You really didn't need to get me a bouquet ya know.. Especially with these much roses.." Max said, staring at the bouquet and all the roses. "Oh, I thought I was suppose to.." Bradley said, looking down at the ground a fidgeting his fingers in embarrassment. "Just- come here.. ♡" Max said, cupping Bradleys cheeks as he pulls him in for a kiss, Max's soft lips pressing against Bradleys, Bradleys eyes widen, his whole face going red, before he kisses Max back.

The end ♡

Please comment if you want more and any other suggestions ^^

Btw 740 words!! Thanks for reading if you did!! xoxo! 💞

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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