P r o l o g u e

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    Sawyer slept through the night most of the time. Once she was asleep, she stayed that way until her alarm blared with an ear piercing volume. She'd had roommates tease her relentlessly about the amount of effort and time required to wake her up in the morning. But now she was wide awake, unable to go back to bed. She felt a tightening knot in her stomach, threatening to spill over her chest into a chundered mess.
    She practically leapt from the couch when she heard a knock on her door. She was met by a police officer who wore solemn expression on his face. Sawyer nearly crumpled to the floor, her heart racing. It had finally happened. One of her fathers had died and the police were here to inform her because her other father was too distraught to identify a body.
    "Sawyer Caddel?" The officer asked slowly. "I'm sorry to inform you that your brother, Aiden Caddel..."
    Sawyer didn't need to hear anything beyond that. She shut the door in the officer's face and collapsed into a heap on the floor, her body wracked with erratic gasps and choking sobs.
    Aiden Gabriel Caddel was dead.

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