As Sameer and Aarav left the girls' place, Sameer turned to Aarav with a curious expression.

"Why were you so worried about her? It's not like you have feelings for her," Sameer inquired, eyeing Aarav closely.

Aarav turned his attention to Sameer and replied, "I definitely don't have feelings for her. In fact, I despise her sometimes. She annoys me endlessly, and my envy flares up every time she outshines me. Her teasing grates on my nerves, but never in my life would I wish her dead. Despite all that, I never want such a heinous thing to happen to her or to any other girl."
Sameer nodded thoughtfully, absorbing Aarav's words.
They both settle inside the vehicle and aarav started driving.


Saniya cut the call and approached Jeia.

"Listen, I have something to tell you," she began. "My parents saw today's news-it's everywhere. They're really worried about me and have insisted that I leave the PG immediately and move to our relatives' house."

"Wait, what? So you're moving out?" Jeia asked, surprised.

"Yes," Saniya replied with a sigh. "I already defied my parents once when they told me to stay with our relatives instead of in the PG. But given the current situation, there's no way they'll let me stay here any longer."

Just then, Jeia's phone rang. Her mom's name flashed on the screen. She had a sinking feeling about what was coming, but she couldn't recall having any relatives in Delhi.

She picked up the call.

"Hello, kaisi hai meri bacchi?"(How's my child) her mom's sweet voice greeted her.

"I'm good, Mom. How are you?" Jeia replied.

"I'm fine, too. Now, listen to me carefully. I saw the news about a girl getting killed near your area. You can't stay there any longer."

"Do you want me to find a new PG?" Jeia asked, trying to preempt the conversation.

"No more PGs, Jeia-"

"No more PGs? But we don't have any relatives here," she protested.

"I had a patient from Delhi a long time ago. She visited my clinic and I treated her. Her name is Amrita Devi, and you are going to stay at her house," Jeia's mom said, emphasizing "you."

"Mom, I can't stay with a stranger. How can you ask me to live with someone who isn't even family?"

"Jeia, this is for your safety. I know her, and she's a wonderful person. She'll treat you like her own grandchild. Given the current situation, she's the only one I trust."

"But Mom-" Jeia began, but her mom cut her off.

"No buts, Jeia. Either you stay with her, or you come back to Mumbai," her mom said firmly.

Jeia fell silent, realizing the gravity of the situation. "There's only a year left to graduate. I can't afford to leave everything behind," she thought.

"Okay, Mom," she said softly, resigning to her fate.

"Good. Now pack your things. You have until this evening I have already talked to her,she will send someone to pick you up," her mom instructed before ending the call.

Jeia turned to Saniya. "My mom told me to move out too."

"I figured," Saniya replied, her voice heavy with shared disappointment.

They both sighed deeply, exchanging looks filled with frustration and uncertainty.

In the evening

Both girls packed their belongings and were ready to move.

"I'll miss you, Saniya," Jeia said, hugging her tightly.

"Shut up, Jeia. It's not like we'll never see each other again. We'll meet at college every day," Saniya said, smiling.

"Still, I'll miss staying with you, watching movies,kdramas, and having our pajama parties," Jeia said, clinging to Saniya.

Saniya laughed and hugged her back. Breaking the hug, she said, "Bas bas, drama queen(enough drama queen). Time to go and say goodbye to our landlady."

They both headed towards the landlady to return the keys and bid her farewell.

"Thank you, Mrs. Peter, for letting us stay. We had a wonderful time," Jeia said as both girls hugged the landlady.

"I'll miss you both," Mrs. Peter replied warmly.

"We'll miss you too," the girls said in unison.

Just then, Jeia received a call. She picked up. "Hello?"

"Hello, is this Jeia ma'am?" a man's voice spoke.

"Yes, this is Jeia."

"Ma'am, I am waiting outside. Amrita Devi ma'am sent me to pick you up."

"Ha, uncle, I'm coming," she replied.

"How are you getting there?" Jeia asked Saniya.

"Don't worry, I've called a cab," Saniya replied.

"Okay, then. Let's meet on Monday," Saniya said, bidding goodbye.

Jeia went outside and spotted a grey car standing by. She knocked on the window to get the driver's attention.

The window rolled down. "Jeia ma'am?" the driver asked.

"Just call me Jeia, please," she said.

The driver got out, took her luggage, and placed it in the trunk. Jeia settled inside the car. The driver sat down and started the engine.

To be continued

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Where is jeia moving?

Who is Amrita Devi??

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