Chapter 1 - Meeting Her

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Paisley's pov
I sat there smirking as she yelled at me. 'I just can't deal with you Paisley this is the third school in a month. You punched her Paisley, she has a broken nose' yelled my mom. 'Fucking bitch deserved it' I scoffed. 'I just can't handle you anymore. I've tried and tried. I just can't take it anymore. Pack your stuff and get out' she said. 'Where am I supposed to go' I shrieked. 'I guess you should've thought about that before you punched that girl' she said. 'Ugh I hate you' I yelled going to pack some stuff.
I got downstairs with my 2 suitcases. 'You were a shit mother anyways' I scoffed storming out of the house.
I sat on the park bench and rang my best friend Christian. 'Hey Paisley' he said. 'Hi Christian' I said. 'What's wrong? Why are you upset?' he asked. 'Mom kicked me out' I said. 'What a bitch. You missy get on a flight out here to LA, you're moving in with me' he said. 'I don't wanna be a bur-' but he cut me off. 'Now Paisley' he chuckled. 'I owe you' I said. 'No you don't' he chuckled. 'See you soon' he added.
I got a taxi to the airport and got on the next flight to LA.

CC's pov
'Right listen up idiots' I yelled at the guys. 'A very good friend of mine is coming to move in with us because her mother kicked her out' I said. 'What's her name' asked Andy. 'Her name is Paisley, she's 17 years old' I said. 'Ashley you cannot hit on her' I added. 'Im making no promises' he said. 'When is she getting here' asked Jake. 'Well she's just got on her flight a half an hour ago so she'll be here in about an hour and a half' I said. 'So we should probably get the guestroom ready' said Jinxx.
'Im going to collect Paisley from the airport' I said grabbing my car keys. The guys were making dinner. I got in the car and started driving. I can't wait to see her. I haven't seen her in a year and I missed her. She's my best friend ever.
I pulled up outside the airport. I got out of my car and immediately saw her. She had her back turned to me. I walked up behind her and covered her eyes. 'Guess who Paze' I whispered. 'Christian' she squealed hugging me. 'Ive missed you' I said hugging her. 'Ive missed you too CC' she smiled. 'Lets get going' I said kissing her forehead. I put all her bags in the back of the car and drove back to the house. She looked great. She was wearing denim short shorts, a flannel tied short at her waist, and her cowboy boots.

Paisleys pov
We pulled up outside a massive house. 'I hope you don't mind but my friends live here too' he said. 'Not at all' I smiled. He carried my bags inside and left them at the bottom of the stairs. 'The guys cooked dinner' he chuckled. 'Should I be worried' I giggled. 'Very' he chuckled. He led me to the kitchen. 'Guys this is my best friend Paisley' he said. There was three of them. They looked up at me. 'Hi I'm Andy' said the tallest one smiling. 'I'm Jeremy but call me Jinxx' said the next one. 'And I'm Jake' said the last one. 'Hey I'm Paisley but you know that already' I said smiling. 'With your accent you ain't from round here' chuckled Andy. 'Teneese born and raised' I giggled. 'Where's Ash' asked CC. 'Having a shower' said Jinxx. 'Yeah Paisley be careful of Ash' chuckled Andy. 'Oh why' I asked. 'He's a womanizer' chuckled Andy. 'And a player' said Jake. 'I'll be sure to watch out' I giggled. 'Okay dinner will be ready soon' smiled Andy. 'And I'll show you you're room' said CC. 'Yeah sure' I smiled.
I started to unpack my stuff. When I'd finished Andy yelled that dinner was ready. I left my room and bumped into someone and fell to the ground. The person held out his hand and helped me up. 'I'm sorry' I said looking up as their hand trailed to my waist. The guy was only wearing a towel around his waist which showed his very toned stomach, an Outlaw tattoo on his stomach. I looked up at his face. He had perfectly chiselled cheekbones and warm chocolate brown eyes. Oh my sweet Jesus. 'Enjoying the view darlin' he smirked cockily. 'No' I scoffed. 'You must be Ashley. The one they warned me about' I said. 'I'm not all that bad darlin' he smirked. 'And you must be Paisley' he added. 'Guys dinner is ready' said Jake walking up the stairs. He saw us with Ash's arm around my waist. I pulled away from Ash's grip. 'See you round babe' smirked Ash as I went downstairs. I stopped outside the kitchen. 'Ash already hit on her' said Jake. 'So he had his arm round her waist' said Jinxx. I walked in. 'Don't worry he's a jerk' I said sitting at the table. We were all eating dinner when Ash walked in. 'You're in my seat darlin' said Ash. 'Well I'm not moving' I said. 'You're lucky you're as sexy as you are' he smirked sitting next to me. 'And you're lucky I don't slap you' I said. 'Ohh' chorused the guys. 'You just wait darlin' he smirked. 'So why did your mom kick you out' asked CC. 'Because I've been kicked out of three schools in one month, and in the last school I punched some bitch and broke her nose' I said. 'Hows things with you and Damon' asked CC. Damon is my ex boyfriend. 'That fucker. I dumped him' I said. 'Why? What happened you guys were cute' he said. 'One night we got in a fight and he hit me' I said. 'Of course I punched him back a few times. Then dumped him' I said.
That night Ash had some girl home with him and was let's call it....busy. His room was next to mine so I went downstairs. Andy was sitting on the sofa eating a tub of ice cream and watching Batman. 'Can't sleep' he asked. 'Ash is let's say busy with a girl' I said. 'Enough said' he said patting the spot next to him on the couch. 'You like Batman' he asked handing me a spoon so we could share the ice cream. 'I LOVE Batman' I giggled. 'You're my new favourite person' he chuckled hugging me. 'Yay' I giggled.
I was woken by whispers but didn't open my eyes. 'Do you think there's something going on between them' said one. 'Surely not' said another. 'Maybe' said another before I heard them walk away. I opened my eyes and realised I was laying on top of Andy and then he woke up. 'Uh sorry' I said blushing a little. 'It's okay Paisley' he said blushing too. 'I should uh' I said getting off him. Im sure I was the colour of a fire engine by now. 'And please call me Paze' I said.

CC's pov
Jake, Jinxx and I were up. I went to check on Paisley but she wasn't in her room. I went downstairs. 'Dude check this out' said Jake. I looked on the sofa. Andy was laying across the couch and Paisley was laying on top of him. Her head was buried in his neck and his arms were draped around her waist. 'Do you think there's something going on between them' asked Jinxx. 'Surely not' I said. 'Maybe' said Jake as we walked away.
Later on Paisley walked into the kitchen. 'So' I chuckled wiggling my eyebrows. 'No way' I said. 'I couldn't sleep because Ash was fucking some bitch and I came downstairs and we watched Batman' I said. 'Thats all' I added. Then Andy walked in. 'Look now we have Romeo and Juliet in the kitchen' said Jake. Andy and I gave him the finger. We heard the front door close and then Ash walked in to the kitchen. 'What's going on' he asked. 'Andy and Paze got it on, on the sofa last night' chuckled CC. 'Oh really now' smirked Ash. 'No we didn't' chorused Andy and I. 'Aww they even think the same things' cooed Jinxx. 'You fuck off' I giggled. 'I told you I couldn't sleep last night' whined Paisley. 'Because you asshole were so busy' she said placing a finger on Ashley's chest. 'Get all touchy are we now' smirked Ash draping his arm on her waist. 'I hate you' she whispered to Ash before walking out. 'I love you too darlin' he chuckled. 'Please leave her alone or she'll kill you' I said. 'Oh it'd be worth it' he said going to the fridge.

Paisleys pov
I HATE them all right now, well except Andy, especially Ashley. I decided to take a shower and wash my hair. I dried my hair and got dressed. I changed into black leggings, a baggy tee that Ronnie Radke had given me, he's another one of my friends. I put my hair in a messy bun and I didn't bother with any makeup.
I decided to Skype Ronnie. 'Hey Paze' he smiled. 'Hey Ronnie' I smiled. 'That's not your room. Where are you' he asked. 'Mom kicked me out so I'm living with CC' I said. 'Oh my god what did you do' he chuckled. 'Three schools in one month, and punched a girl' I giggled. 'Oh my god' he laughed. 'We need to hang out now that you're in LA' he added. 'Yeah totally' I smiled. Then Ash knocked on my room door. 'Ugh what do YOU want Ash' I said. 'To talk' he said. 'Can't you see I'm busy' I said. 'Fine' he sighed walking out. 'Sorry' I said to Ronnie. 'You busy today' he asked. 'Nope! You should come over' I said. 'Yeah cool' he said. 'I'll text you directions' I said. 'Can't wait' he said. 'Bye' I smiled. 'Bye Paze' he smiled.
The doorbell rang. 'I'll get it' I yelled running downstairs. Ashley was making out with some brunette on the sofa. I mentally gagged. I opened the door. 'Hey sweetheart' smiled Ronnie hugging me. 'Hey doofus' I giggled hugging him back. I closed the door and took Ronnie's hand. Ash and the brunette broke apart to look at us. 'Let's go to my room' I said bringing Ronnie upstairs.

Ashley's pov
The girl and I broke apart. I saw Paisley holding hands with Ronnie Radke. 'Lets go to my room' she said bringing Ronnie upstairs. 'I think you should go' I said to the brunette. She scoffed and left. Why the hell was I jealous of Ronnie. I'm not gonna lie Paisley is beyond beautiful. Every guys dream girl. She had long blond hair, deep dark blue eyes, the perfect smile, an amazing body, she was just perfect. What the hell Ash?
Later on Ronnie and Paisley came running down stairs. 'No' giggled Paisley as he wrapped his arms round her waist. 'I got you now' he chuckled picking her up. They went to the kitchen for awhile.
Later that night Ronnie went home. 'I'm sure Ronnie wouldn't like to know about you and Andy' I smirked. 'Oh my god you think me and Ronnie...oh my god no' she giggled. 'Were just friends' she added. 'Oh' I said. 'Why are you jealous' she said inching closer to me. I draped my arm round her waist. 'Of Ronnie' I whispered. 'Yeah ' she smirked. 'God no' I said. 'Good' she whispered, our noses touching. I was about to kiss her but she stopped me. 'Dream on Purdy' she whispered, placing her finger on my lips before going upstairs. Two can play that game...

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