Chapter 4

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Author: Wuzhe 巫哲

Translation: Levijiejie

Chapter 4

These past two days Guan Ze left work on time. If he didn't have to entertain clients in the evening, he usually chose to go home and cook for himself. Although there were times when he couldn't even touch his own home-cooked meal.

Even though his cooking skills were mediocre at best, but his kitchen was fully equipped. When he was standing by the stove with an apron on, cooking noodles for himself, he felt especially like a professional chef.

Today he made himself a bowl of tomato and egg noodles. Just as he was holding the bowl of noodles and smelling it, before he even had the chance to taste if it was 'unpalatable' or 'extremely horrible', his house phone rang.

He put the noodles down and stood up to answer the phone. His maternal aunt's voice rang from the handle. "Guan Ze, are you busy?"

"Mn." he regretted not turning the automatic answering machine on.

"Guan Ze, I'm telling you. Isn't the job you got for your cousin a bit too exhausting? How can they ask him to go out every day when it's so hot? How can he bear it." His aunt's tone of voice was full of dissatisfaction.

"It's normal to go out when doing sales."

"But this is your brother ah, don't you feel bad for him? Why don't you find another job for him? Isn't your company's marketing department doing well?"

"We are currently not hiring." Guan Ze frowned. He lightly pinched between his eyebrows.

"You are the supervising director at your marketing department. Arranging a job for someone is just a matter of saying a few words, isn't it?" His aunt became agitated when he rejected. "Now that you're successful, you don't care about your family, do you? How can you bear to see your brother suffer like this!"

"Can he count how many jobs I've arranged for him? The longest one lasted for four months. With his aversion to hard work, is there any job that he doesn't find exhausting?" Guan Ze was starting to be angry. "This is it. If he wants to do it then do it. If he doesn't, then he can beg."

"Guan Ze, what do you mean?!" His aunt started raising her voice, "You eat well drink well. I ask you to help your brother but you tell him to beg?"

"Is it so scary to beg?" Guan Ze scoffed, his tone of voice was icy. "I once did it, too. Aunty. When I was begging for food, why didn't you help me? At this stage, I've done everything I could to help. Let me say this again, if he can't work then stay at home."

Guan Ze didn't wait for his aunt to say anything else and hung up. He thought for a moment and unplugged the phone cable, throwing it to the side.

When he picked up his bowl of noodles again, Guan Ze discovered that all the soup had been absorbed and the noodles had become one big clump. He scrutinised the noodles with some hesitation. He then grabbed a water jug, poured half a bowl of tepid water into the noodles, added some oyster sauce, and mixed the noodles thoroughly. He finished the noodles easily.

Guan Ze did not have a lot of night time entertainment activities. If he wasn't entertaining clients, he wouldn't take the initiative to go out. Most of the time, he would stay at home, just like today. He turned on the TV, put Silent Hill on the DVD player, and then turned his computer on.

The forum post from this afternoon was still floating on the main page. The thread was now more than thirty pages long. He didn't click to check the post anymore, but directly logged in to the game instead.
The moment he entered, his close friend and world channels erupted so rapidly that his connection almost dropped out. His computer screen froze for more than ten seconds before returning to normal.

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