21. **Chapter Twenty-One: Finding Peace** Urdu: امن کی تلاش

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It had been quite some time since Parishè had visited her mother, so she decided to make the journey to see her. She wanted to spend time with her mother, sister Noor ul Ain, and brother Paris.

One morning, as the first rays of the sun filtered through the windows of the haveli, Parishè approached Barlas in the study, where he was going through some documents.

"Barlas," she began softly, trying not to disturb his concentration, "I've been thinking...It's been a while since I visited my mother. I want to go see her and spend some time with my sister and brother."

Barlas looked up from his papers, his expression softening. "Of course, Parishè. It's important to spend time with your family. Do you need me to arrange anything for you?"

"No, thank you. I've already made some preparations. I just wanted to inform you," she replied, a small smile playing on her lips.

Barlas nodded, standing up to walk her to the door. "Be safe. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call. And give my regards to your family."

Parishè nodded, feeling a warmth spread through her heart at his concern. "I will."

After a short while, Parishè's car was ready, and she set off on the journey. The road was familiar, winding through the countryside with its rolling hills and fields of crops. She felt a sense of nostalgia as she neared her mother's house, memories of her childhood and simpler times flooding back.

As she arrived, she saw her younger sister Noor ul Ain playing in the garden, her laughter ringing through the air. Her brother Paris was helping their mother with some household chores.

"Parishè Api!" Noor ul Ain called out excitedly as she ran to greet her sister.

Their mother, hearing the commotion, came out to see what was happening. Her face lit up with joy when she saw Parishè. "My dear, you've come! We were just talking about you."

Parishè embraced her mother, feeling the familiar comfort of her presence. "I've missed you all. It's so good to be here."

The family gathered around, catching up on each other's lives, sharing stories and laughter. For Parishè, it felt like coming home, a break from the complexities and responsibilities of her life at the haveli. She enjoyed the simplicity of these moments, surrounded by the people she loved most.

As the day turned to evening, Parishè sat with her mother, talking about everything that had happened since her last visit. There was a sense of peace and contentment, a reminder of the importance of family and the bonds that hold them together.

In those moments, Parishè felt a renewed sense of strength and purpose, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she had the support and love of her family to carry her through.

As Parishè sat down with her mother in the cozy living room, the warm glow of the evening sun casting a gentle light through the windows, her mother looked at her with a mixture of concern and curiosity.

"Pari" her mother began softly, reaching out to hold Parishè's hand. "Are you happy? How is everyone at the haveli treating you? And Barlas... does he treat you well?"

Parishè paused for a moment, taking a deep breath as she considered her response. She wanted to be honest, but she also didn't want to worry her mother unnecessarily.

"Ammi," she began, her voice steady, "the people at the haveli have been kind to me. There have been some challenges, but I suppose that's to be expected in any new environment. It's different from what I'm used to, but I'm adapting."

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