Chapter - 3

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~ At Anabia's house~

"Assalamualaikum" they said as they entered.

Walaikumassalam come ahmed how are you my child?

Iam good alhamdulillah Chachi (Anabia's mother,your dad's younger brother is chacha and his wife is Chachi)

Ammi did you forget me? (She said with a pout on her face)

Uff Anabia!

Always dramatic, right Chachi ?

Yes she's so dramatic.

Don't worry my abbu is here to handle my drama.

They all laughed.

Okay Anabia now go and bring some water for your bhai.


She left to bring water.

Ahmed you never come to our house anytime so busy right?

Oh.. no Chachi, it's just.. know it's always a long day and I.. I get so tired and it's just ...

Here, bhaiya take some water(he takes glass from her hands and drinks some)

It's okay ahmed I know studies are important and you should take care of your health too.

Family is important too? Arshad said teasingly.

They all laughed.

You should spare time for family too

I know chachu from next time I'll surely come to your house inshallah, okay?

Okay beta.

It's just that spending time with your family feels good, Anabia's also alone all the time if you and Sara come sometimes she will feel good.

Chachu she's never alone we are always with her and we will always love her as our own sister indeed she is our own sister, she is our lovely Ana.

(Anabia looks at Ahmed with innocent eyes)

Iam so grateful to have children like you may Allah make your future so bright and beautiful.


Come on Ahmad have dinner with us ?

Inshallah next time Chachi it's late and ammi will be looking for me.

Okay ahmed drive safely.

Okay allah hafiz.

Allah Hafiz bhaiya.

Allah Hafiz ana. (With a smile)

He left.

Come on ana let's have dinner.(they all had dinner)

~Anabia's pov~

I had dinner and came back into my room it was getting late for the isha prayer so I headed towards the washroom to perform ablution and came back and offered my isha salah after salah i raised my palms and spoke in my heart

Ya allah you are the most merciful allah you are Raheem you are kareem ya allah. I fell in love with one of your servants Allah ya allah if he is in my destiny please make him mine ya allah I love him soo muchh please Allah tie us in a halal relation ya allah I know that you always do what's better for us allah please do what's better for me ya rab.

I finished the dua and lay down on the bed just then some thoughts came across my mind about the day, Sara di, the proposal thing , crush... "CRUSH"

My crush was Syed sameer whom I met in my college he was handsome and a cute boy. he never talked to me nor to any girls and he never used to look at girls. one day when I came to take something from class he was all alone I had an eye contact with him and it was the most beautiful eye contact ever, he had beautiful green eyes and I got lost in his beautiful eyes and he lost in mine that eye contact was for a whole 1 minute and that moment i realised I was in love with him,i can never forget that. After that day he always used to make eye contact with me and I used to get so shy and he just used to say hi to me we never talked that much.but one day i got to know that he has transferred to some other city, I felt so sad and after that I always pray for him. I always wonder where he would be? What he would be doing? Does he still remember me? Does he also pray for me? I didn't know anything, just then Sara di's words echoed in my ear

"but if your dua did not get accepted"

I felt a sharp pain in my heart i shook it away and said to myself that i trust Allah and I know that everything will be fine he will do what's better for me inshallah.
I shook away all the thoughts and went to sleep.

~It's in the eyes , always in the eyes~

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