Chapter 28 : Home ♡

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Stefan's POV;

As my brother and I make our way to the car, I feel a wave of weakness wash over me. My eyelids droop, but I fight to stay conscious, determined not to miss this moment.

"Stefan?" My brother's voice cuts through the haze, drawing my attention.

I manage a weak "Hmm?" as I turn my head to look at him.

He seems hesitant, troubled by something. "Um... Stefan! We're going home... you're going to meet.... our MOTHER"

His words hit me like a bolt of lightning. Our mother. The mere mention of her sends a surge of emotion through me. After all this time, after all these years of wondering and longing, I'm finally going to meet my birth mother.

Tears well up in my eyes, a mixture of joy, and longing. I gaze at my brother, my heart overflowing with emotion, silently conveying the depth of what this means to me.

Edward's face shows he feels just like me. He turns to me with a sad smile, and then gently pats my chest with his left hand, telling me silently that everything will be okay.

I turn towards the road, my heart racing, waiting for the house to appear.


As Edward's house comes into view, he brings the car to a stop. Both of their hearts are pounding loudly in their chests, nervousness easily shown on their faces

They both glance at each other when they know its time. With a nod of mutual understanding, they step out of the car, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Stefan's heart beats loudly in his chest, a mixture of anxiety and hope swirling within him. He takes a deep breath, trying to steady himself as they approach the house.

Edward glances at him, offering a reassuring smile before knocking on the door. They wait for the door to open.

The door opens, and there she is-Manjari. The love of his life. There she stood, like a fragile soul looking into his eyes with a mixture of surprise and joy at the sight of him.

For a moment, time seems to stand still as they take in each other's presence after so many days apart. Their eyes are filled up with tears.

Stefan knew that she loved Edward, but whenever he saw Manjari, he felt his love for her grow more. She was his first love afterall.

A tear trails down his cheek as he keeps examing her face.

Then, without a word, Manjari rushes forward, throwing her arms around Stefan. She clutches his hair in her hand and caresses it.

Their embrace is tender and desperate, both clinging to each other as if afraid to let go. The warmth of her body against his, the familiar scent of her hair-it all comes flooding back, grounding him in this moment.

"I missed you so much," Manjari whispers, her voice thick with emotion.

"I missed you too," Stefan replies, his voice equally unsteady. She pulls back slightly, her hands cupping his face as she gazes into his eyes, ensuring this moment is real.

"Mene socha Maine Tumhe kho diya" she says controlling her tears.

{I thought I lost you}

Stefan just gives a small smile in reassurance that he's here and he's alive and fine.

But there's someone else waiting inside, someone Stefan has longed to meet for years. Manjari steps aside, and there, standing just inside the doorway, is their mother. Her eyes are filled with tears, her expression a mixture of joy, relief, and sorrow.

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