The bad bitch

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Elena:yeah someone definitely took my stuff (she is on the phone with Stefan)ok love you night
Stefan:night (she hangs up the phone and walk into the house she walks to the stairs)Elena:JEREMYYY YOU UP(no one answers she hears John in the kitchen and runs over and sees him on the floor and grabs the phone and calls 911 to get an ambulance she says the name off her address and in the middle off it she stops bc John talks and you stand behind Elena)John:behind you Elena:what John:behind you(Elena looks behind her and gets up and grabs a knife and starts to look for someone she looks at John and you vamp speed out the door she get a shock and look at the door and looks bk at John and the ambulance came in about 10 mins and the police then Stefan come and a police officer stop him coming in Elena walks down the stairs)Elena:he's fine (the police officer lets him in they both go to Jeremy's room bc Jeremy took pills while he drank Anna's vampire blood Stefan looks if he is a vampire but he is not Elena and Stefan go to Elena's  room)Stefan:what happened Elena:a vampire got in I don't understand I did not invite anyone in Stefan:Jenna or Jeremy could off Elena:no I asked them they said they invited nobody in (few days later you walk into Elena's house and see Stefan)aria:hey Stefan:hi (he walk over and hugs you you smile he grabs you by your neck and pushes you to the wall)Stefan:Katherine aria:what you miss me,well I fooled one off you Stefan:what do y want
(You vamp speed brake his arm and vamp speed out the house Damon and Elena walk in Damon looks at Stefan Stefan looks at Damon)

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