They where told

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Elena:what happened damon:
Katherine happened Stefan:wait what does she mean by I fooled one of you Damon:well Elena:Damon don't Damon:before i make your smile turn upside down Stefan:what did you do Damon:well..we kissed Stefan:what do y mean you kissed (Stefan goes for Damon and damon vamp speed to the over side off the room)damon:well when to lips touch together and they go puk puk puk (Stefan goes after Damon and they start to fight Elena buts in)Elena:Stefan he-he kissed Katherine not me I wold not do that (few days later Caroline is in th e hospital off the car crash and you go and buster her it's 2am you walk into her room and she sees you)Caroline:elena aria:no try again Caroline:Katherine aria:why is my sister so popular now Caroline:wait if your not Katherine who are you aria:I'm aria Pierce Katherine sister I wold like to send a message to the Salvatore brother game on(you grab a pillow and put in on her face and it kills her but she had vampire blood in her system so she will be a vampire (you leave and Caroline wakes up and walk into the reception and there  is a doctor sitting there)Caroline:do y have some food I'm starving doctor:breakfast will come around 8 now get back to bed (I Caroline starts walking in but stop and looks at her)Caroline:what is that smell doctor:get back to bed (Caroline start to walk back to bed but stop again and looks jn a mother room she see a blood bag and walk tk hi picks it up and the doctor walk in)doctor:what are you doing get to bed (she goes to bed and the doctor walks out and she get the blood bag she took and looks and it a stinks it and throws I. To the floor and away and look at the blood bag and pick it up and drinks it she is now a vampire and turn suck 5 weeks Caroline is in the bathroom you walk in)aria:are y ok Caroline:Elena

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