Coming to india

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‹In Korea at an abandon building›
It was rainy night at 12:45 AM, the only thing you can hear is rain drops and screems of a person, as he was tied with a thick rope
JK- So how is it feels to be In this place, getting tortured, where somedays ago you were torturing my enemy.
Gurd- I am r-really so-sorry sir, I won't re-repeat this mistake. I won't betray you ag-again s-sir pls s-sir ,
JK- yaa i am sure, You won't 'cause you won't be living in this world for repeating the mistake.
*then he shoot him right on his forhead and the guy died on the spot then he told to his loyel gurds*
JK- through his body in gutter and yeah also give 3 million won to his family, am I clear.
Loyal gurd- YES, SIR
I was very angry as one of my biggest enemy ran away and hide somewhere in India and one of my gurd help him to
After I got to know who was that, I call him in the abandon place, where I torture my enemy after he came, I started to torture him then kill him. then I started going towards my car just then suga hyung called me.
JK- yes hyung, what happened
SUGA- JK, I track the location of that basterd.
Jk- what really hyung , where is that basters.
Suga- he is in (your city name)
Jk- thats good then we are going there.
Suga- No, jungkook this is not that easy, we never go their so don't have place their to stay, and I don't think that it will be good for us to live in hotel for such a long time.
Jk- oh! Hyung what is the big deal, just buy some mansion or flat their.
Suga- no, jungkook we can't just buy mansion or flat, unless you want to waste money. Hey Jungkook, Didnt dad was talking about some friend in India.(Suga call jk's appa as dad)
Jk- yeah, but what you wanna say?.
Suga- yaaaa, phabo he can ask his friend for help. And he also said that he was 2 ranked mafia. So I think he can understand our situation well.
Jk- yaaa, you are saying right wait a minute, I will talk to dad then again call u later.
Suga- ok. Take care
Jk- you too
★then he cut the call, then came out from his car and entered his mansion. All the lights were off as it was past 2:00 Am. He goes towards his room, then take a hot shower then drifted to his dreamland. as he didnt have any apetite.
*time skip to next morning*
A/n *POV*
★Jk woke up and got ready for work and go downstairs for breakfast as came down he Greeted good morning to his appa,Eomma and started doing breakfast. After some chit–chat he leave for his work.
*time skip*
A/n *POV*
★Jk finished his work and leave for home, when he reached home, maids were serving dinner,★
JK/MOM- oh! You came. Now go get fresh dinner is ready.
Jk- OK mom.
* with that he goes towards his room, and take a shower then came downstairs for dinner. They were talking about random stuff, when he rememberd about what suga had said.So he started talking 'bout that★
Jk- appa, I was saying that, you were talking about friend who lives in India.
Jk/d- yes, he is my good friend. But why are you asking?
Jk- ah, actually dad, one of my enemy is hiding in India and we need to go their, and as we never go their, so we don't know where to stay, as it won't be good for staying in hotel.So, if he can help us, as he was also a 2 ranked mafia.
Jk/d- yaaa, why not I will talk to him now OK.
★then he called your dad★
Y/d- hello
Jk/d- hello, hey their buddy. How are you.
Y/d- ohhh, hey, I am good what about you.
Jk/d- I am also fine, uhh listen  na I wanna talk something serious
Y/d- yeah, say what u wanna say?(he got serious as he understand by the tone of
Mr jeon)
Jk/d- I wanna say that, one of my son's enemy is hiding somewhere in India.So, I just wanna ask if you can arrange a house or something to stay their as it will take long time.
Y/d- of course, why not, he can stay here, if he is comfortable.
Jk/s- um OK, but his 7 team members also can stay their or not?
Y/d- yeah they can also, as I also know the situation like this. So they can stay here.
Jk/d- OK. Thank u so much for your help.
Y/d- Anytime buddy, but when will he come?
Jk/d- ummmm, I think day after tommorow.
Y/d- OK, then my daughter will pick them up From airport OK.
Jk/d- ok thanx bro
★then he cut the call and said to jungkook about there talk★
Jk/d- so will you stay at their house?
Jk- OK dad, but I need to talk to hyungs too.
Jk/d- talk to them, and give your answer till tommorow
Jk- OK dad.
★then he finishd his dinner then go to his room and called his hyungs to confirm.
*Jk POV*
I finished my dinner then called my hyungs
jk- hello?
Sexy brain- hey(in sleepy tone)
WWH- ya!!! Why did you disturbed my beauty sleep( in angry tone)
Meow meow-........(well he didn' said anything)
Danser Sunshine- hey Kookie(in happy tone as he was praticing dance)
Short mochi- why are calling at this time(in sleepy tone)
Drama king- yaaa!! Y r u making this cute boy up at this time lemme sleep(as always drama)
Jk- ya, I called you to say something important.
Short mochi- what, that someone stole your banana milk.
Jk- aish, shut up shorty
Short mochi- yeahhh!!! How dare u call me short you muscles pig
Jk- you–(cut off)
Jk- (gulp) a-actually sugar hyung tracked that basterd who escaped.
Sexy brain- really, where is he?
Jk- yeah, he is in India.
Suga- did you asked your dad about that matter?
Jk- yeah and he said that we can live in their house with them.
Drama king- wait, what are you talking about my cute brain can't understand this information.(in dramatictone)
Short mochi- your brain never understand anything.(in sarcastic tone)
Drama king- yaaaa!!!You–(cut off)
Dancer sunshine- yaaa you both pls don't start again.jk u tell what you were saying.
Jk- yaa, so suga hyung called me yesterday–(tells them everything) so what do you say about living with them?
Sexy brain- I don't have any prob.
WWH- well I also don't have any problem.
Meow meow- ya OK then.
Sunshine- I also don't have any problem,in fact I am exited to go to India .
Short mochi- yaaa I am also very exited, and also I heard that Indian girls are very beautiful😏😏
Meow meow- can you just shut you dirty brain for sometime.
Short mochi- yeaaahhh hyunnngggg (whining).
Drama king- I also heard that there street foods are soooo good.and they are veryyy rich in culture.
Sexy brain- yeah you are right the are rich in culture .
WWH- so when are going to India.
Jk- ummm, day after tomorrow.
Everyone- OK.
Sunshine- I am very exited to go their😁
Drama king- yeah me too😄😁😀
Jk- OK then Jooni hyung can you prepare everything like our gurds,fighter,wepones etc
Sexy brain- OK jk.
Jk- OK then pack your bags till evening, we will be going in our own jet
everyone- OK.
★ with that I cut the call and did my night routing then goes inside blanket,and drifted into dreamland.

Hey butterflies how are you all, so here is another update, plss vote an comment on my story and show some support💜💜💜❤❤❤ plsss. And also did you heard that jin is coming on June 12, and there will be a big feast on June 13 as jin will do fanmeet and also army can hug him.As an international army I understand the pain of international army. But its OK we are happy that he is coming back.
            Luv u butterflies
            — Your auther-nim

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