Kidnapped by ??

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As everyone was there(ex dimple and y/n)jk asked
Jk- where is dimple and does anyone have seen y/n?.
Jimin-  yeah I was also gonna ask that. I didn't see her after phera. Does anyone know.?
Jk- Its weird y/n and dimple both are missing and at the same time after the pheras. their is somethig wrong we should check and find them.
Namjoon- yeah we should. So me, j-hope,pikku and arya will find in the garden and backyard area.and as this building has 10 floor, so tae, Suga hyung, jin hyung, pallavi, shruti and pranchi will find in 9 floors.and jk and jimin, you both will find on top floor, tarrece and pool side and after exact 1 hour come here and say what you find. OK ?
All(ex RM)- OK.
Everyone leave after planning where to go. In the garden area.
Namjoon- listen if we will find at the same place then it will take time so j-hope and pikku you both go and find at backyard. Me and arya will find in garden. OK now go fast we don't have much time.
Pikku- yeah you are right let's go j-hope.(she held his hand and dragged her towards backyard.)
J-hope *POV*
Omg is she really holding my hand. The one that I love is holding my hand. My god, should i confess my love but it is a serious situation, but it is also true that after this we will not meet as we will be in mission of killing that basterd for which we came to India. I think I should confess my feelings.OK hobi you can do it.
Me- hey pikku I wanna say something.
Pikku- yes, what do you wanna say.?
Me- So, I wanna say is, I love you . yes from the day I saw you , when y/n introduce us with you guys , but that time I thought it was just attraction , but no it was not. As the time goes attraction turn into love. So will you be my girlfriend. I know that it is a very bad situation to confess my love, but after this I won't get time , as after a month or more we will leave India. If you accept me I will talk to your parents and take you with me to Korea. But if you don't then its OK I won't show you have ever again.
(All this time I have been closing my eyes but after I finished my words I open my eyes only to see her crying. Oh! Did I said something wrong.)
Me- I am really sorry did I said something wrong?
Pikku- no you didn't i just get emotional. And I love you too.(smiling)
Am I hearing right she also love me back.
Me- so you also love back.
Pikku- yes.
Me- I am happiest person right now. So ca-n I-I Ki-kiss u.( why the hell did I stutter)
Hobi- so ca-n I-I Ki-kiss u.
I was blushing. So what can I expect my crush is asking for a kiss. I just look down and nooded. Not even a second I felt his lips on mine he was kissing me with full of love. I was also started kissing him. But after some time he started kissing me roughly. He pushed me back and my back hit the wall behind he put his hands on my waist and as I was wearing lehenga as I didn't got time to change so his hand were touching my bare waist he was moving his hand sensually giving me shivers. As I felt out of breath I tap his shoulder he left my lips and started sucking on my neck. But then I remember about y/n and dimple. I slowly pushed him and said.
Me- hey! What are we doing we are here to fond y/n and dimple.
J-hope- oh! Yes sorry I can't control myself as a hot meal I right in front of me.( smirking)
Me- yaaaa!!! Stop your dirty talk and let's find them.( said while blushing.)
With that we started finding them.
*With namjoon and Arya.*
Namjoon and Aryan both were searching for any clue or something but as arya was wearing heels, she accidentally stepped on a stone, she looses her balance and was going to fall but she didn't feel any pain infact  she felt two strong arms around her waist. She slowly opens her eyes only see his (namjoon) face some inches away they both stand properly but the closeness was still same they both were staring deed into each others eyes. Next second namjoon started getting more closer towards her. As next she felt his lips on her, at first she was shocked but she also kissed him back . after sometime both parted away. They both were breathing heavily. Namjoon attached their for head and said.
Namjoon- I don't know if its a good time to say this but. I love you from the day that I saw you will you be my girlfriend.
Arya- yes, I love you too.(says while blushing)
Namjoon again attached their lips.after a minute they detached their lips. And then arya's eyes widdend remembering the work for which they came for. She lightly pushed namjoon and said.
Arya- ya!! What are we doing we came here to find them..
Namjoon- oohh!! Shoot I literally forgot. Let's go find them.
*time skip*
After one hour everyone again came to the same place then jk asked.
Jk- does anyone found anything?
Jin,sugar,v- no, we can't.
Jin- we searched whole building their rooms,bathrooms they are nowhere to be seen.
Hobi- ya we also can't find anything.
Suga- there is only one way left.
Jimin- what?
Suga- let's track their phones.
Jimin- ohh!! I just remember that dimple has a ring in which there is a tracker in it.
joonie- idiot why didn't you told us, and how do you know that she has a ring with tracker.
Jimin- o-o th-that umm... Actually I gave her that ring when I Pr-proposed her on haldi function.
ALL- WHAT!!!??!
Jimin- yeah so what I loved her so I confess, and she accepted. Well we don't have for explanation just track the ring already.
Jin- you better give a proper explanation after this .
And then sugar started to track their location and it says....
A little more

.and here you goo
It says the building's basement only which is underground. So what do you think who kidnapped them is it someone they know or a complete unknown person .

Hey butterflies how are you. I know its been a loooonnnnnngggggg time I had updated but you know my exams are ongoing but still I write this chapter if I am doing this for you than you also do a little for me just one click and a small comment is it very much? plsssssssss pleeeeaaasssss vote this story as I feel motivated to write it.
Thank u and love you sooooooooo muccccchhhhh butterflies.😘☺😇

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