Chapter 7~

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After introducing Rina to Team Shadow Gear and the Rainwoman, Lucy led Rina back to her table of teammates. Erza was looking at the job request board, leaving the two boys unsupervised. Natsu and Gray were in the middle of an arguement, verging on a fist-fight. Just as the first punch flew, Erza returned, yelling. "What did I tell you two about getting along?!"

"Sorry Erza! Look we didn't mean nothing by it!" Both boys yelped in surprise, suddenly hugging each other like best buds. But as soon as Erza turned her back to them, they were at each other's throats again.

Erza spoke to Lucy. "I've found a job for us tomorrow. It's an S-class, so your share of the reward will cover your rent for at least seven months."

"That's great!" Lucy agreed excitedly. She looked at Rina, who was standing next to her and looking around at everyone in the guild hall.

"Erza, I think Rina should come, too."

Hearing her name snapped Rina's attention to their conversation.

Erza looked at Rina for a moment while she seemed to be thinking. "Actually, I think that would be good. Would you like to come on our job with us?"

Rina looked between Lucy and Erza, shaking her head rapidly. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"Why not?" Lucy smiled at her. "You can help us with the job and see how we work together. If you fully join Fairy Tail, you'll want to find a team. Why not stick with us?"

Rina looked back and forth between Lucy and Erza, realizing the blond would not easily take no for an answer. Rina sighed, "Alright. I still don't think I should, but I'll come if you want me to. I should definitely stay out of your way, though, because my magic isn't that strong."

"Alright!" Lucy cheered, "And don't worry, you'll be fine. Your magic will get stronger as you use it and learn more about yourself."

Erza nodded, turning to get the boys' attention. "I got a job for us for tomorrow. Rina is coming with us."

"Alright! Now I'm all fired up!" Natsu yelled excitedly, actually forming balls of flame around his fists.

Gray looked at Rina, and one corner of his mouth turned up in the slightest smile. She raised her eyebrows at him, trying not to laugh. "Gray, you're clothes again."

He looked down at himself and yelped, before finding and replacing his clothes. She smiled and shook her head at him, turning and looking around the guild hall again. She could see a stage of some kind at one end, but the interesting thing was that she could see someone sitting on a chair in the middle of it.

Suddenly, the man's voice filled the hall. "This one's for the newbie. Shoo-be-doo-ba~"

Rina furrowed her brows as the man proceeded to sing. He wasn't too bad, except that he was always out of tune just enough to bother everyone. All the wizards started grumbling or even shouting for him to stop and get off the stage. He didn't even acknowledge them.

"Gajeel, please!" A familiar female voice shouted over the rest of the crowd. The man on stage winked at Levy.

Rina had started to leave entirely when he stopped singing long enough to shout, "I won't stop unless the newbie sings next!"

Rina froze. Everyone turned to look at her; most were begging for her to make it stop. Rina looked around in terror, anxiety slowing all of her actions. She shook her head repeatedly, her eyes shut tight. She was about to turn and make a run for the door when she was startled by a hand on her shoulder. Her eyes flashed open to see Lucy and her friends watching her with concern.

Lucy spoke quietly to her, and Rina could barely hear the blond over all the noise. "I know you said you're not good with crowds, but I'll go up there with you."

"Yeah, me too. I won't back away from helping a friend." Natsu told Rina. Gray and Erza nodded.

Rina looked back at Lucy, shaking from her fear. "I don't think I can... I can't..."

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be fine. Come on," Lucy gently grabbed Rina's wrist and started pulling her towards the stage, where the man was still singing 'Shoo-be-do-ba.' Natsu, Gray, and Erza followed.

At the side of the stage, Erza yelled at the man. "Knock it off, Gajeel. Rina's right here, and she agreed to sing if we did with her."

Rina was too nervous to even argue that she hadn't really agreed to anything.

The man finally stopped, and turned to look at their group. He grinned at them all, and the part of Rina that hadn't shut down from fear noticed it was the man with the metal in his nose that she saw earlier.

"You're up, newbie," Gajeel laughed, tossing her the microphone. Rina couldn't react in time, and it would have hit the ground if Gray hadn't reached forward to catch it.

The entire group around Rina glared at Gajeel as he chuckled while ambling off the stage. As they started to climb up onto the stage, Rina panicked and blindly grabbed a wrist. The owner, Gray, turned and looked at her.

"I can't do this. I don't even know any songs."

"Just sing whatever comes to mind. You'll be fine as long as you don't 'shoo-be-do-ba.' Don't worry." He gave her a reassuring smile and helped her up onto the stage.

She nervously gazed at the waiting crowd. It seemed to her the entire guild was watching her, listening to her. She was nearly overwhelmed again, but Erza put a hand on her shoulder to steady her as Gray handed Rina the microphone.

Rina looked at all the people again, and then closed her eyes against their staring. She brought the microphone to her lips and took a deep breath.


Have a little Gajevy moment, because I am 103% sure it's my favorite ship.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2016 ⏰

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