Chapter 12: so close

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Ethan starts to tilt his head back as my mouth explores his area. He starts to moan quietly and slowly say my name in between his moans.

"Hey who's in here" a name calls out

"Shit Ethan" I whisper as quiet as I can

"Shhh" comes out from between Ethan's lips

"I said who's in there come out now I can hear moans from the stall" the voice sounded more strict.

"Don't move" Ethan says

I just nod my head and I get more nervous. Then the door starts moving and my eyes get wider then the door swinging open and me Ethan slid underneath the other stall and slip out while the teacher was still looking for us.

Ethan and I run down the hallway as fast as we could to get to the lunch room.

"What the fuck that was so close, imagine if we would of gotten caught" Ethan says

"I would of been killed by my mom and she would of thought I was just hooking up with a guy because I have been to scared to tell her she is strict with boys" I say starting into Ethan's eyes.

"It's okay I haven't told my mom were dating either I just said were friends"

I wonder why Ethan won't tell his mom we aren't dating, I won't because my mom doesn't understand relationships clearly cause she hates my dad. But I'll just wait till Ethan brings up why he hasn't told mom.

Ethan and I walk to the lunch line together we are in the middle of a conversation when I see three girls staring at him and smiling. I look at Ethan and he can see I'm annoyed.

"Can you stop staring at me I'm with my girl"

They just roll there eyes and pretend like they weren't staring at him"

I just kiss Ethan and smile at him. He just makes me happier even more everyday

Thank you guys for all the votes and reads. I didn't think this story would even be good. But thank you babes.

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