A new purpose

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                              The muse

That man. That suit. That evil expression. Those dead eyes. That's the second man in line for The Necrotic Veils. He's the right hand of The One who created this organization 40 years ago. It's such an honor to even be in the same room as him. I can't believe it, but I must do it, for my future and for the first impression I will have to give him. That's Chase fucking Reaper. Keep your composure and stay still. I change my posture to a more straight and confident one, placing my hands over my lap, left hand on top. I don't even look around the room and wait for Chase Reaper to sit down. My heart is beating fast due to excitement and curiosity. Whatever mission I will have, it must be important, because he is here, the second man for The One.

"Don't say many words, you're already the youngest here, you don't want to get into trouble, do you, Lily?" Ajax whispers to me. I just nod for a split second, and then that man sits down in front of me. The empty chair at the end of the table will always be empty; it's reserved for The One. Not many people have seen what he looks like, but I know he's terrifying. From what I know, only the five trusted men have seen him, Archie being one of them. But if you compare Archie to the other four, he's the second weakest. If we compare him to the whole organization, he's the best. But if I compare myself to the rest, I would be a shame. I have been on missions, even solo missions, but I don't have the Scaremon symbol.

Chase Reaper clears his throat, a noise only a heavy smoker could make. It sounds disgusting, and I'm terrified he will vomit out his organs. "Stop making that face," Ajax tells me and bumps my arm with his elbow. Without realizing it, I had made a face that looked disgusted. Because I was. Maybe that man is the most powerful helper of The One, but he sounded like he was about to throw up a furball.

"We are all gathered here to honor our dear apprentice, Lillith. A teenager with a double life, going home every day to some inhumane parents, going to a place where she gets educated but also ridiculed, which just fills her bloodthirst. We grant you, dear child, the Scaremon, our symbol. Your loyalty has already been given to us. Ever since you came here, you have trained, learned, and worked hard to prove yourself to us." Those words fill me with joy. I was looking at the floor the whole time because I'm not branded with the symbol yet, to show my submission to the organization. But I can't help myself; I look up and around the room, a huge grin on my face. Ajax pats me on my head and smiles at me. "Good job, kid. You're finally getting what you deserve," he says to me and looks back at our leader, signaling me to do the same.

The man, Chase fucking Reaper, begins to talk again. "Now, for your mission. It is a solo mission. We want you to infiltrate the base of the Holy Crusaders. It will be a long mission, but you will be paid, of course. Money isn't what you're after; we know that. We will give your loved ones a break, along with you." That means that Archer, Ajax, and I could get breaks from training, missions, all of those blood-curdling screams, guts, and the sound of those bullets.

"Thank you, sir," I say out loud. The other men in suits, with masks over their mouths, start to get up and stand next to their chairs, and they push them back under the table. I'm confused, but I do the same, and so does Ajax.

The Unyielding Strategist
Looking at cameras every day makes you insane; I think I am going insane. It just drains the life out of you until there is none left. I have spent more time here lately, not out on the field. It's a waste of time, talent, and sanity. Being one of The Five doesn't just mean being one of those muscle men. You need precision, skills of manipulation, stealth, power, and even patience. That patience is running out in my case. I fucking hate the camera room. The coffee mug is almost empty due to my caffeine addiction, but it's only when I'm in the security room. I honestly wish this type of torture on my worst enemy. This shithole is what messes up the human mind.

I look around the room, which has dimmed light; there's one flickering where the sink is supposed to be. My legs just start walking toward it, and I look at the man I've become because of this security room that just fucks you up mentally. My hair is messy, my dark circles are showing, I have stubble on my chin, and my glasses are kind of dirty. I feel like I've lived in a dumpster my whole life; I feel like I have cheese grease smothered on me. But I only have two more hours. Then we can all see the ceremony for Lillith. She will get the Scaremon, our symbol of loyalty. We could have given it to her sooner, but she was and still is a child with a future. That girl is so stubborn; she decided to stay with us forever, having her whole life ahead and throwing it away just like that, becoming an assassin. She will die young, and for what? This kid sometimes just pisses you off, thinking she's mature, but in reality, she's a broken child.

I remember when I just joined; I was just like her. Now I'm 32, without the ability to have my own life. I can't have children, no lover, just hook-up buddies. But I don't yearn for that; I wish for someone's love, for someone's touch to actually mean something. I still have no regrets. I tried my best at being human, but the others didn't accept me, so I left that society. Now I'm trying to destroy it with the despair that me and this fucked-up organization spread around the world.The key to the security room is just about somewhere here, and I take a quick peek at the screens. One of the cameras is showing the meeting room. Seeing that little sin of a girl and that incompetent assassin, who's always so carefree—too carefree—just rubs me the wrong way. And is that...? Chase Reaper? What type of sick mission did one of them get assigned? It would be a suicide mission. "Please, whatever God there is, anyone but Lillith," I say to myself. My voice is trembling, and sweat starts to build up on my forehead. But I can't feel like this, so I take a deep breath and just continue on with what I have to do, which is to get ready for the ceremony. But first, that damn key... It should be around here, but the lights are just sabotaging me. Isn't there supposed to be a flashlight around here? There has to be; it's an abandoned tractor factory. The light could get cut off any second because we're not really supposed to be here.

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