A new face

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             The Unyielding Strategist

I pulled up to Lillith's school with a sense of urgency, my heart pounding in my chest as I scanned the area for any sign of her. Finally, I spotted her sitting alone on a bench, her gaze fixed on the ground with a look of confusion etched on her face. As she looked up, I felt a pang of sorrow pierce through me at the sight of her deadened expression, her eyes devoid of their usual spark.

Hurrying over, I watched as she rose from the bench and made her way to the car, her steps heavy with an unseen burden. When she settled into the passenger seat, I couldn't help but reach out to her, my hand coming to rest gently on her shoulder as I tried to offer some form of comfort.

"Hey, little sin," I murmured, concerned about lacing my words as I attempted to make sense of the turmoil raging within her. But before I could say anything more, she pushed my hand away and turned her head, her body language defensive and closed off.

"What happened to you?" I pressed, my voice tinged with worry as I watched her wipe away tears, her sobs echoing through the confined space of the car.

"I'm a monster," she choked out between sobs, her words heavy with self-loathing. "I don't want to go here again."

My heart ached at her words, at the raw pain evident in her trembling form. I knew she was in no state to talk, her emotions swirling chaotically beneath the surface. All I could do was sit in silence, aching to ease her pain but knowing that some wounds run too deep to heal with mere words.

"Why do I just can't control myself? I don't want to kill them in public. I would risk everyone's safety if I do that. I have my symbol of loyalty, I can't, I-" Lillith's voice trailed off, her breaths coming in short, panicked gasps as she struggled to articulate her turmoil.

Her words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the inner battle she waged against herself. I glanced over at her, my heart aching at the sight of her distress, her usually fierce demeanor replaced by raw vulnerability.

I struggled to find the right words, grappling with the weight of her anguish. This wasn't like her usual outbursts fueled by anger; this was something deeper, something more profound.

"Kiddo, whatever you're going through, I'm going to help you. Alright?" I said, my voice soft but resolute. "It's going to be hard, I will admit, because nobody knows what's wrong with you. Not me, not Krista. Not even that incompetent jackass."

I reached out to gently squeeze her hand, offering what little reassurance I could in the face of such uncertainty.

"Don't fucking touch me!" she yelled out in distress and grabbed my hand for it enough to hurt.

I hiss in a slight sense of pain and take a deep breath. "Alright, got it." I said to her and looked at her once more and her expression was anger.

I continued to drive back to our base. So she can calm down. Hopefully she will feel better soon

The Muse

As I gazed out the window, lost in thought, the memories flooded back with unwelcome clarity. I couldn't shake the image of him—the guy with the brown hair, brown eyes, and glasses. He stood out from the crowd, taller and more imposing than the typical high school student. His presence had unnerved me, his intense gaze lingering in my mind long after we had parted ways.

What was his deal, anyway? Who goes to high school and spends their time bulking up at the gym? It was all so out of the ordinary, and it left me with a sense of unease that I couldn't quite shake.

But as I stared out at the passing scenery, a nagging feeling crept over me. It was like a premonition, a sense that our paths would cross again, whether I liked it or not. And somehow, I knew that when that moment came, it wouldn't be a simple coincidence.

The Obsessive Phantom

Those dead eyes... I liked them. So pretty and just bloodthirsty. I saw her, the way she didn't hesitate, the way her grip was tight on that annoying bitch. I've never seen such a girl. That long silky black hair that fell down on her face while her expression was as dark as the night. Except that smile... she had a pretty little smirk on. One that I could not regret seeing. I want to see her again.

I walk around the school, and I approach Bianca.

"Hey, so what was the commotion with that chick over there?" I asked her, I wanted to know that girl's name. She was interesting to say.

"That fucking freak? Her? Yeah we don't really know her name, she goes by Lillith. She looks fucking dead, she's like super weird." Bianca said, answering me, this doesn't give me much of a lead.

As I listened to Bianca's dismissive remarks about Lillith, a fierce determination took hold of me. I needed to know more about this intriguing girl, no matter the cost. My curiosity morphed into obsession, driving me to push for every detail, every morsel of information that could bring me closer to her.

"Freak? Weird?" I scoffed, my voice tinged with impatience. "That's hardly helpful. I want specifics."

Bianca rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed by my persistence. But I refused to be deterred. I needed to know everything about Lillith—her classes, her routines, anything that could lead me to her.

"What class is she in?" I demanded, my tone brooking no argument. I needed answers, and I needed them now. If I wanted to unravel the mystery of this Lillith, I had to act fast.

"Give me the fucking answer. It's not that hard to open your mouth and say something. Especially for you," I growled, my annoyance evident in my voice.

"Fine, she's in class 10C. Are you happy now, Onur?" Bianca finally relented, providing the information I sought.

"Of course I am. You're finally being useful," I whispered in her ear, relishing the fear I instilled in her.

She's scared of me. As she should be.

Now, if you're wondering who I am, I am the son of the man who now leads the Holy Crusaders. My name is Onur. I'm 17, and I've been contributing to this organization for two years. But I've never encountered such a girl. When I witnessed her pin down Bianca earlier today, and then Cherry in a confrontation with that girl, Catherine... I saw something in her. A fierce determination. She could be an asset to my organization. And her name lingers in my mind. The way she looked, and again that small little smirk. The way she did every single movement so accurately and with such quickness. 

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