A NewBorn Bird

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Bubba was sitting in his house, reading one of his books with his reading glasses on, and a mug full of coffee next to him. He was in a calming place until he heard his door fling open.

Bubba lifted his head quickly with a "Wtf!?" Kind of face, just to see Kickin panting with the egg in his hands, which had cracks on the side.

"Bubba! Its *pant* hatching!.." Kickin barley got out due to all his panting.

Bubba put his book to the side and walked up to Kickin, and looked at the egg. He carefully took the egg from Kickin and placed it on the table*

The egg rattled and cracked more and more until...


A baby blue and yellow feathery head popped out of the top of the egg. Bubba smiled and lifted the tiny infant out of the egg, carefully holding it up as it babbled (don't ask how tf this man holds things with nubs and no fingers, cuz idk either). It was a Baby Boy.

Bubba gently handed the baby to Kickin, and cleaned up the mess that was made from the small infant while it was making its break out of the egg.

"So, Mama bird, what will you name him?" Bubba teased with smile as he finished cleaning the last bit of the mess.

Kickin rolled his eyes with a smile on his face, and held the baby close to his chest as it played with the feathers on Kickins finger.

"How about....Rocky?" Kickin replied, booping Rocky on the nose.

"I like the name" Bubba responded, walking over and kissing Kickins cheek.

"But, we should let he others know"

Kickin hesitated before nodding, he wasn't too sure but he knew he had to someday.

The two walk out of Bubba's house, and walk to the others, who were all gathered by the benches since they saw Kickin running with the egg.

Dogday saw Bubba and smiled, but then his jaw dropped when he saw Kickin holding a baby. By the time Kickin stood infront of them, everyone face was full of awe and even confusion.

When they asked the name, Bubba would tell them, Rocky. Any question they asked, Bubba told them the answer while Kickin held Rocky and smiled while listening the Bubbas voice.

Picky was watching next to Bobby, they did think the baby was cute but they were thinking about how they need to change their actions to Kickkin now that he is a parent. Picky did feel a bit bad now and so did Bobby, so they kept their distance, knowing Kickin would become a LOT more protective and less to fuck around with.

After the chaos, Bubba set up a room for their new baby in Kickins house, since it would make sense for the baby to be close with its "mother". And Kickin had an extra bedroom, along with a spare room for when Hoppy slept over.

As Rocky slept in his crib, Kickin laid in his bed, snuggled up with Bubba who had stayed just incase something happened.

They slept peacefully, until that peace was broken by the sounds of loud crying and chirping from Rocky's room.

Bubba woke up first due to his ears being FUCKING HUGE to where he heard it before Kickin did. Kickin woke up after since the cries didn't stop.

"Want me to get it?" Bubba asked Kickin, not moving from his spot and still holding Kickin close (if you know what spooning looks like, then that's what they are doing).

"Nah...I'll get it" Kickin replied, yawning as he sat up and stretched.

He got up and walked to Rocky's room, closing the door slightly behind him. Rocky was in his crib, crying. Kickin lifted Rocky out the crib and rocked him gently. When Rocky stopped crying and chriping, Kickin put him back in the crib and put the covers over the tiny resting avian, and walked back to bed.

Kickin snuggled back into his comfy spot, and Bubba held him close again as they both were right back to sleep.

(702 words)

(it was short, but the next will probably be longer if im not so lazy)

☆My Only Love☆ |Enemies to Lovers (Bubba x Kickin)Where stories live. Discover now