Adrien x Luka Story

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(Cathy was sulking while she, Marinette and Adrien walked down to Juleka house boat)
Adrien:whats wrong Cathy
Cathy;Uh nothing but uh how did you convince your dad into letting you come Adrien: uh did really well playing the piano (they walked onto the house boat) ???:hows it going young pirate(they see a women walking to them and saw everyone getting the house boat ready for the cncert)
Cathy:uh what's that
Anarka:I'm captain Anarka nice too meet you all
Cathy:nice boat
Adrien:Anarka is Luka around
Anarka:oh he's downstairs
Adrien:thanks (he left)
Cathy:oh yeah Luka his boyfriend Marinette:how could you forget
Cathy:i don't know (Cathy followed him down below deck then gotten an idea she purposely tripped and made her and Adrien fall into a closet)
Cathy:are you okay Adrien
Adrien:yeah i'm fine
Cathy:I'm so sorry i must tripped on something
Adrien:Luka me and my friend got trapped in this closet
Luka:i'll go get help (they heard him leave)
Cathy:so Adrien or should i say Cat noir
Adrien:what how did you
Cathy:uh just a guess but uh how did you get together with Luka (she sat on a box)
Adrienalright i guess i started to have feelings for him when i ran from a photos hoot) (flashback)
(Adrien had snuck off from his photoshoot)
Plagg:oh your getting rebellious
Adrien:be quiet Plagg (he continued to run till he crashed into someone)
???are you alright (Adrien looked up seeing Luka he blushed)
Adrien y-yeah i'm fine (he got up)
Luka;im Luka
Adrien:A-Adrien nice to meet you
Nathalie:Adrien what are you doing (they see Nathalie)
Adrien:oh uh just taking a walk
Nathalie:well you need to come back Adrien:oh alright bye Luka (they left)
(In Adrien Room)
(Adrien had playing on his computer)
Plagg:soo you have a little crush. on guitar boy huh
Adrien:what no i don't and besides i like girls
Plagg:you told Cathy you liked boys
Adrien:yeah because i thought she was going to ask me out
Plagg:come on i saw the look on your face when he talked to you
Adrien:y-yeah and
Plagg:oh just sneak out and get his darn number
Adrien:fine if it shuts you up (he transformed and snuck out)
Cathy:yeah yeah skip that boring stuff and go to the part where you asked him to be your boyfriend
Adrien:alright sheesh (flashback)
(Adrien had been in his room trying to write his letter)
Adrien:urgh i can't do this
Plagg:plese Adrien it's 3 simples words be my boyfriend see it was easy
Adrien:you don't understand anything about love
???:same (they looked seeing Curious jumped off the window ledge)
Adrien:it's you from before
Curious:yes i am Curious and i am curious too know what your intake on love is Adrien:oh uh i think anyone can experience love
Curious:anyone or anything
Adrien:sure i mean a mother grizzly cares for her cubs and a wolf for it's pups
Curious:i think i understand now
Adrien:so uh i have a question what are you
Curious:oh i am so curious about that as well but for you just ask that boy out (it was going to leap out of the window but looked back)
Curious:we'll meet again Kitty Cat (it chuckled leaving)
Adrien:it's right i have to have confidence (he got his phone out)
(At a coffee shop)
(Adrien had ran in seeing Luka at one of the tables)
Luka:hey Adrien
Adrien:h-hi Luka (he panted sitting down)
Luka:are you okay
Adrien:yeah but i have a serious question to ask you Luka:same here
Adrien:let's ask at the same time
Luka:yeah alright (they took a breath)
Both:will you go out with me (they stared at each other then both started to laugh)
Adrein:yes Luka i would love too
Luka:same here Adrien (they held hands)
(In the Present)
Cathy:that was interesting
Adrein:yeah i didn't know he would be asking the same question as me but i do have one question for you Cathy: what's that
Adrien:how come when you were akumatized you didn't reveal me or yourself to Hawkmoth
Cathy:uh i uh guess it's my will
Adrien:that makes sense kind of (the door was ripped out by Anarka)
Anarka;thank goodness you two are alight (they walked out as they were hugged by Luka and Marinette)
Marinette:are you alright
Cathy:yeah i just had a very good conversation (she stared at Luka and Adrien) Cathy:let's party everyone (they cheered and went and continued their music festival).

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