Psycho Killers Haunt the Girl's Bathroom

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Once again, REPORTERS line the street attacking students as they make their way to school, asking questions, hungry for that teenage insight. Dewey's patrol jeep cruises by.  Nicolle watches from the passenger's window. Dewey pulls up in front of the school.  Tatum hops out while Nicolle lingers, suddenly unsure.  Dewey takes notice.

DEWEY: Hey, it's school. You'll be safe here.

Nicolle forces herself out of the jeep as a microphone is shoved in
her face...

REPORTERHow does it feel to almost be brutally murdered?

"Wow, they really don't have any filter do they?" Caelum asks and Nicolle shakes her head, "I've been dealing with them for two years and the never have filters."

Dewey leaps from the car, intercepting the reporter.

DEWEYLeave the girl alone, will ya? She wants to go to school.

Nicolle eyes the news van that's pulled up behind her.  The side
door slides open and Gale Weathers steps out.

TATUMCome on, Nica.

NICOLLEJust a sec...I need to talk to someone.

She heads over to Gale.

Nicolle, puts her head down, hiding her face, avoiding other
reporters as she makes her way to 
Gale who sits in the open door, checking her face in a mirror. Makeup tries hard to hide Nicolle's handwork-a swollen black and blue right cheek. Gale spots Nicolle immediately and leaps to her feet.

GALEStop right there.

Nicolle throws her hands up in surrender.

Fred and George shout out, "Hit her again!"

NICOLLEI'm not here to fight.

GALEJust stay back.

NICOLLEI want to talk to you.

GALEKenny. Camera. Now.

Kenny's head darts out from the van.

NICOLLEOff the record. No cameras.

GALEForget it.

Nicolle contains herself.

NICOLLEPlease. You owe me.

GALE: I owe you shit.

Gale moves inside the van.  But Nicolle is relentless.

NICOLLEYou owe my mother.

GALEYour mother's murder was last year's hottest court case. Somebody was gonna write a book about it.

NICOLLEAnd it had to be you with all your bullshit theories.

GALEWhat is your problem? You got what you wanted. Cotton Weary is in jail. They're gonna gas him. A book is not  gonna change that.

NICOLLEDo you still think he's innocent?

Gale's interest is peaked.  She eyes Nicolle suspiciously.

GALEHe was convicted in a court of law. Your testimony put him away. It doesn't matter what I think.

NICOLLEDuring the trial, you did all those stories about me. You called me a liar.

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