Photo Booth

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Scorpius is practically pressed against a shop window, peering at the different types of cameras on display. Albus has noticed how fascinated Scorpius got whenever they passed by a technology shop.

"This is... incredible." Scorpius begins, eyes wide. "These things are all so cool. Cameras, phones, computers... these muggle inventions are incredible"

Albus just chuckles at his reaction. "I'm surprised you're so into these cameras considering ours are magical."

"Precisely - I've been using magical cameras ever since I was little. I have no idea how these could possibly work." He pointed at the display of photos near the window. "I'm dying to know how they produce pictures without magic! I feel like we should go inside!"

Albus laughs and nods, letting Scorpius pull him into the shop. It's small and a bit cramped, but packed with electronics and little gadgets. Scorpius looks around like a kid in a candy shop, immediately heading to the section with cameras.

Albus follows him to the camera section and begins inspecting a few of the cameras on display, fascinated by the technology. "This is insane." He mutters, adjusting a few of the settings to see how they work.

"I know." Albus says, smiling. He looks over at Scorpius who's fiddling with the settings, looking concentrated. He'd be lying to himself if he said he didn't find his boyfriend's fascination with cameras adorable.

Albus watches as Scorpius continues to examine the cameras, feeling a fondness in his chest. He could happily stand here and watch him play with the cameras for hours.

Scorpius picked up another one of the cameras, messing with its settings as well. He suddenly turned it and pointed it at Albus. "Smile!"

Albus blinks for a moment as he processes Scorpius's words before giving him a small smile. As soon as he smiles, Scorpius takes a picture of him. He grins triumphantly as he looks at the photo that he had just taken.

Albus leans in closer to look at the photo as well. The photo shows Albus smiling directly at the camera, looking a little caught off guard by the sudden picture. "See? You look handsome even when not prepared for a picture." Scorpius teased.

Albus rolled his eyes, his cheeks turning pink from the compliment. "You just took a picture of me without warning, of course I didn't look prepared." He smirked.

"I gave you a warning by saying the word smile." Scorpius continues to tease with that contagious grin of his. Albus rolled his eyes again, still blushing a little. "That hardly counts as a warning in advance, you git." He nudged Scorpius playfully.

As they continue with their bantering back and forth one of the employees makes their way over to the two. "Do you need help with anything?"

Albus and Scorpius both turn to face the employee, caught off guard by the sudden interruption. They look at each other, a little stunned, before Albus gathers himself enough to speak. "No, we're just browsing," he says with a polite smile.

"Actually," Albus says before the employee walks off. "We'll take this camera." He points to the camera in Scorpius's hands.

Scorpius looked down at the camera in his hands, surprised by Albus's sudden decision to buy it. "Really?" he asked, a grin slowly spreading across his face.

Albus nods. "You like that one right? If you want a different one that's fine too." He begins to ramble making sure Scorpius didn't want a different camera.

Scorpius shakes his head, stopping Albus's rambling. "No, no. I do really like this one. "A small smirk tugs at the corners of his mouth. "You just surprised me, that's all."

Photo Booth | Albus Potter x Scorpius Malfoy OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now